Microarray Markets

202 pages report Published in
Publisher: TriMark Publications, LLC

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Microarray technologies multiplex and miniaturize the analysis of tens of thousands of molecules for a variety of assays, including drug binding, molecular interactions, enzyme activity and pathway identification. These microarrays, which include DNA microarrays, protein microarrays, tissue microarrays, low complexity microarrays and carbohydrate microarrays, are excellent tools for gene expression profiling, biomarker profiling and diagnostics. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology researchers use microarrays to streamline drug target identification, selection, validation and predictive testing. Rapid growth in the clinical research and diagnostic devices markets holds great potential for applications of microarray technology, including basic research, clinical trials and diagnostic devices. This TriMark Publications reports describes the specific segment of the microarray market aimed at the analysis of proteins and DNA. It examines various microarray platforms and the technologies that are utilized in hospitals, clinics, commercial laboratories and research institutions to detect DNA and proteins for the purpose of drug discovery, disease diagnosis and disease monitoring. This report also examines companies that are actively developing and marketing microarray instrumentation or microarray biochips. Detailed tables and charts with sales forecasts and marketshare data are also included.

Table Of Contents

1. Overview 7
1.1 Statement of Report 7
1.2 Scope of the Report 9
1.3 Objectives 9
1.4 Methodology 10
1.5 Executive Summary 11

2. The Commercial Opportunity for Microarrays 15
2.1 Markets Served by Microarray Technologies 15
2.1.1 Basic Research Markets 15
2.1.2 Translational Medicine Markets 16
2.1.3 Molecular Diagnostic Markets 16
2.1.4 Specialized/Applied Markets 19
2.2 Microarray Market Analysis 19
2.3 Market Drivers 21
2.4 Market Restraints for Microarrays 23
2.5 Key Players and Market Share for Major Players 24
2.6 Strategic Trends and Competitive Landscape for Microarrays 27
2.7 Marketing and Distribution 28

3. Microarray Overview 30
3.1 History of Microarrays 30
3.2 Genomics and Proteomics 30
3.2.1 Genetic Variability and Disease 33
3.3 General Theory of Microarrays 33
3.3.1 DNA Microarrays 35
3.4 Protein Microarrays 38
3.5 Tissue Microarrays 39
3.6 Low Complexity Microarrays 41
3.7 Carbohydrate Microarrays 42

4. DNA Microarrays 45
4.1 DNA Microarray Technology Platforms 45
4.1.1 Microarray Technology 46
4.1.2 DNA Microarrays?Experimental Design 46
4.2 Types of Microarrays and Their Applications 47
4.2.1 Common Microarray Applications 49
4.3 Reasons Why Researchers Utilize DNA Microarrays 51
4.4 Factors for Difficulties Applying DNA Microarray Technology 51
4.5 Key Attributes of DNA Microarray Software 52
4.6 Microarray Technology in Treating Disease 53
4.6.1 High-Throughput Array Technology and Cancer 54
4.6.2 Microarray-Based Commercial Genotyping Activity 57
4.7 Commercialization of DNA Microarrays 57
4.8 Future Directions for DNA Microarray Technology 58
4.8.1 Microarrays vs. Next-Generation Sequencing 59
4.9 Emerging Microarray Trends 59
4.10 Emerging Microarray Applications 60
4.11 Key Points for Developing Microarray-Based Applications 60
4.12 Competitive Landscape for DNA Microarrays 61

5. Protein Microarrays 62
5.1 Types of Protein Microarrays 62
5.1.1 Forward Phase Microarrays 62
5.1.2 Reverse Phase Microarrays 63
5.1.3 Peptoid Arrays 63
5.1.4 Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Arrays (NAPPA) 65
5.1.5 Antibody Microarrays 65
5.1.6 Classifying Protein Microarrays Based on Application 66
5.2 Critical Factors for Microarray Content 67
5.3 Key Findings on the Use of Microarrays 68
5.4 Advantages and Drivers 68
5.5 Limitations and Barriers to Commercialization 70
5.6 Key Experimental Parameters of Protein Microarray Technology 73
5.7 Reasons Why Researchers Utilize Protein Microarrays 74
5.8 Factors for Adoption of Protein Microarray Technology 74
5.9 Top Suppliers of Protein Microarray Slides and Products 75
5.10 Factors that Influence Sale Decisions 75
5.11 Future Innovations in Protein Microarray Technology 76
5.12 Protein Arrays Market Analysis 76

6. Current DNA Microarrays 80
6.1 Key Players 80
6.2 High Growth Applications 81
6.2.1 Microarray-Based Commercial Genotyping Activity 81
6.2.2 Location Analysis 82
6.2.3 Tiling Arrays 84
6.2.4 Epigenetic Mapping Arrays 84
6.3 Innovations in DNA Microarray Technology 86
6.4 Will Next-Generation Sequencing Replace DNA Microarray Technology? 87

7. Current Protein Microarrays 90
7.1 Protein Profiling Microarrays?Antibody Arrays 91
7.2 Protein Profiling Microarrays?Reverse Phase Microarrays 93
7.3 Multiplex Sandwich Microarrays?Planar 94
7.4 Multiplex Sandwich Immunoassays?Bead Based 97
7.5 Microarrays for Protein Function Studies 99
7.6 Specialized and High Growth Applications 101
7.6.1 Cytokine Arrays 101
7.6.2 Whole Proteome Arrays 102
7.7 Aptamer Arrays 103
7.8 Cell-Free Arrays 103
7.9 Protein Nanoarrays 105

8. Technology 106
8.1 Production of Microarrays 106
8.2 2D versus 3D Technology 109
8.3 Substrates and Surface Chemistries 110
8.4 Next-Generation Microarrays 112
8.5 Detection Methods 113
8.6 Instruments 113
8.7 Data Management and Informatics in Gene Expression 115
8.8 Software and Data Analysis 115
8.8.1 Supplier of DNA Microarray Analysis Software 115
8.8.2 Satisfaction with Software Features 115
8.8.3 Satisfaction with Software 115
8.8.4 Supplier Factors in Software Purchase Decision 116
8.8.5 SuppliersÍ Role in Improving Data Sharing for DNA Microarrays 116

9. Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies 117
9.1 Introduction to Lab-on-a-Chip 117
9.2 Lab-on-a-Chip Technology 118
9.3 Applications for Lab-on-a-Chip Technology 120
9.4 The Advantages of Lab-on-a-Chip Technology 125
9.5 Barriers to Widespread Adoption 125
9.6 Patent Portfolios 125
9.7 Trends and Outlook for Lab-on-a-Chip Technology 126
9.8 Key Players in Lab-on-a-Chip Industry 126
9.9 Lab-on-a-Chip Market Analysis 128

10. Applications 130
10.1 DNA Microarrays in Gene Expression 130
10.2 DNA Microarrays in SNP Analysis 132
10.3 DNA Microarrays in Cancer 133
10.3.1 Cancer and Fusion Genes 136
10.4 Protein Microarrays 136
10.4.1 Cytokine Applications 136
10.4.2 Protein Function 137
10.4.3 Protein Microarrays in Personalized Medicine 137
10.4.4 Protein-Protein Interactions 138
10.5 Target/Biomarker Discovery 138
10.6 Drug Discovery and Development (Gene and Protein Microarrays) 140
10.7 Clinical Diagnostics (Gene and Protein Microarrays) 140
10.8 RNA Microarrays 142
10.9 Oligo Microarrays 142
10.10 Yeast Microarrays 143
10.11 Antibody Arrays 143
10.12 Arrays for Toxicogenomics 143
10.13 Microbial Applications 144
10.14 The Market for Microbial Genotyping Products 145

11. Competitive Landscape 147
11.1 The Commercial Microarray Market 147
11.2 Sector Consolidation 149
11.3 Regulatory Matters 150
11.4 Legal Matters 151
11.5 Intellectual Property 151
11.6 Mergers, Acquisitions and Agreements 153

12. Company Profiles 155
12.1 Affymetrix 155
12.2 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 157
12.3 Arrayit Corporation 158
12.4 Applied Microarrays 159
12.5 AutoGenomics, Inc. 159
12.6 AyoxxA 160
12.7 BioCat GmbH 160
12.8 BioChain, Inc. 161
12.9 BioForce Nanosciences, Inc. 161
12.10 BioGenex 161
12.11 Biomedical Diagnostics (BMD) 162
12.12 Biolog, Inc. 162
12.13 bioM_rieux SA 163
12.14 Biometrix Technology, Inc. 163
12.15 Bio-Rad Laboratories 163
12.16 Cancer Genetics, Inc. 165
12.17 Cepheid, Inc. 165
12.18 Clontech Laboratories, Inc. 165
12.19 CombiMatrix Corporation 165
12.20 CYBRDI 166
12.21 DiagnoSwiss SA 166
12.22 Discerna 166
12.23 EMD Millipore 166
12.24 Eurogentec 167
12.25 Exiqon 167
12.26 Fluidigm Corporation 168
12.27 Gamida for Life Group 170
12.28 GE Healthcare 170
12.29 GGrace Bio-Labs 172
12.30 Greiner Bio-One 172
12.31 Healthcare IT, Inc. 173
12.32 Great Basin Corporation 173
12.33 Gyros AB 174
12.34 Illumina, Inc. 174
12.35 Imgenex Corp. 176
12.36 Immucor 176
12.37 InDevR 177
12.38 Isu Abxis Co., Ltd. 177
12.39 LC Sciences 177
12.40 Life Technologies/Applied Biosystems (AB)/Invitrogen 178
12.41 Lineagen, Inc. 181
12.42 Luminex Corporation 181
12.43 Maine Manufacturing, LLC 183
12.44 Meso Scale Discovery 183
12.45 Microarrays, Inc. 184
12.46 Microbionix 185
12.47 Mingyuan Medicare Development Company Limited 185
12.48 MiraiBio 186
12.49 Molecular Devices, LLC 186
12.50 Monogram Biosciences 186
12.51 Myriad Genetics, Inc. 187
12.52 NextGen Sciences PLC 188
12.53 One Lambda 188
12.54 OriGene Technologies 188
12.55 Orla Protein Technologies 189
12.56 Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd. 189
12.57 Oxford Gene Technology 189
12.58 PamGene BV 190
12.59 Partek, Inc. 190
12.60 Pepscan 190
12.61 Perkin Elmer, Inc. 191
12.62 Phalanx Biotech Group 192
12.63 PharmaSeq 193
12.64 Platypus Technologies, LLC 193
12.65 Protagen AG 194
12.66 ProteoGenix 194
12.67 ProteinOne, Inc. 194
12.68 QIAGEN 195
12.69 Radix BioSolutions 196
12.70 Randox Laboratories Ltd. 196
12.71 R&D Systems 196
12.72 RayBiotech 197
12.73 Roche NimbleGen, Inc. 197
12.74 Sequenom, Inc. 198
12.75 Sigma-Aldrich 198
12.76 SmartBead Technologies 199
12.77 SomaLogic 199
12.78 SQI Diagnostics 199
12.79 SuperBioChips Laboratories 200
12.80 Theranostic Health, Inc. 200
12.81 Toray Industries, Inc. 201
12.82 Trans Genic, Inc. 201
12.83 US Biomax 201
12.84 Veredus Laboratories Pte Ltd. 202
12.85 Zeptosens 202
12.86 Zeus Scientific, Inc. 202
12.87 Zyagen 203

List of Tables

Table 2.1: Key Assay Technologies for Molecular Diagnostics 16
Table 2.2: Summary of Molecular Diagnostics Testing Sectors 17
Table 2.3: Global Market for Molecular Diagnostics Testing, 2008-2018 17
Table 2.4: Global Microarray Market, 2010-2018 19
Table 2.5: Global Market size for DNA Microarrays, 2010-2018 20
Table 2.6: Microarray Market Drivers 22
Table 2.7: Leading Microarray Companies 25
Table 2.8: Microarray Market Leaders 26
Table 4.1: List of DNA Array Manufacturers 45
Table 4.2: Steps in the Design and Implementation of a DNA Microarray Experiment 47
Table 4.3: Microarray Applications 50
Table 4.4: DNA Microarray Applications 51
Table 4.5: List of Open Source and Commercially Available Software for Microarray Analysis 52
Table 4.6: Microarray Genetic Testing 57
Table 4.7: Microarray Market Barriers 58
Table 5.1: List of Commercial Antibody Microarrays 66
Table 5.2: Commercially Available Protein Arrays 67
Table 5.3: Critical Factors for Microarray Content 67
Table 5.4: Top Suppliers of Treated Protein Microarray Surfaces for Self-Printing 75
Table 5.5: Top Suppliers of Commercially Available Protein Microarrays 75
Table 5.6: Top Suppliers of Protein Microarray Platforms 75
Table 5.7: Global Market for Protein Microarrays, 2010-2018 77
Table 6.1: Types of DNA Microarrays 85
Table 7.1: Companies Offering Cytokine Microarrays 102
Table 8.1: Comparison of Microarray Platforms 109
Table 8.2: Microarray Instruments Offered by Affymetrix 114
Table 9.1: Categories of Biochips 117
Table 9.2: Applications of Lab-on-a-Chip Technology in Industry 121
Table 9.3: Lab-on-a-Chip Diagnostics 123
Table 9.4: Lab-on-a-Chip Patents, by Region, 2013 126
Table 9.5: List of Companies with Biochip Programs 127
Table 9.6: Global Market Size for Lab-on-a-Chip, 2009-2018 129
Table 10.1: HTS Microarray Market Size Projections, 2010-2017 132
Table 10.2: Protein Microarrays in Personalized Medicine 138
Table 11.1: Main Competitors in the Microarray Market, 2013 148
Table 11.2: Microarray Patents for Selected Companies, up to 2013 152

List of Figures

Figure 2.1: Life Sciences Tools Markets, by Sector Served, 2012 15
Figure 2.2: Market Share within the Genetic Tools Market, 2012 18
Figure 2.3: Microarray Market Share, by Product Type 20
Figure 2.4: Global Market Share for Microarray Markets; by Region 21
Figure 3.1: Typical Two-Channel DNA Microarray Experiment 37
Figure 4.1: Segment of Double-Stranded DNA Showing the Base-Pair Relationship 46
Figure 5.1: Peptoid Arrays as Platforms for Biomarker Discovery 64
Figure 6.1: ChIP-on-Chip Experiment 83
Figure 6.2: The Choice between NGS and Microarrays: Rating by Application 88
Figure 7.1: Biomarker Discovery and Validation 90
Figure 7.2: Antibody Microarrays?Sandwich Detection Methods 95
Figure 7.3: Cytokines and Growth Factors: Sources of Microarrays for Cytokine Research 102
Figure 8.1: Sources of Variation in Microarray Data 114
Figure 9.1: A Visual Representation of Lab-on-a-Chip and Related Technologies 118
Figure 9.2: Unit Components Making up the Lab-on-a-Chip (LOAC) System 119
Figure 9.3: Market Share of Biochips Products by Type, 2013 129
Figure 10.1: Toxicogenomics: DNA Microarrays 144
Figure 10.2: Microbial Genotyping: Applications for DNA Microarrays 146
Figure 11.1: Microarray Patents by Region, up to 2013 151
Figure 11.2: Microarray Patents by Year, up to 2013 152

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