Global Medical Aesthetics Market Report: 2015 Edition
Aesthetics is an exclusive branch of medical science that focuses on enhancing appearance of an individual through surgical and non-surgical procedures; while conserving their unique attributes. Both surgical and non-surgical procedures are considered to be appropriate treatment options for people who want to inculcate an instant change in their appearance. However, along with the various advantages, aesthetic surgical procedures also have certain disadvantages associated with them. The facial aesthetics encompasses anti-aging treatments via botulinum toxins and fillers, which are nonsurgical procedures that do not require any anesthesia or incisions.
Rising economic participation of women, improving consumer confidence, burgeoning obese population, increasing population of women and rising GDP of countries are some of the important factors driving the growth of aesthetics market globally. However, the growth of the market is hindered by challenges including fierce competition in aesthetics leading to price erosion and potential health risks associated with aesthetic procedures.
Key trends of the market include robust shift towards non-invasive aesthetic devices, substitution of silicone implants by saline implants, body contouring as an upcoming high growth area, greater availability of physicians for aesthetic procedures, favorable macro trends in the U.S., and responsive attitude of patients and physicians toward new treatment options.
The report, “Global Medical Aesthetics Market” analyzes the currently prevailing condition of the market along with its future scope of development. The global market along with specific markets of the North America region including the U.S., and Korea are discussed in the report. The major trends, growth drivers as well as issues being faced by the industry are being presented in this report. The major players in the industry are being profiled, along with their key financials and strategies for growth.
Table of Contents
1. Overview
1.1 Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures
1.1.1 Aesthetic Surgical Procedure
1.1.2 Aesthetic Non-Surgical Procedures 8
1.2 Cosmeceuticals Overview
1.3 Facial Aesthetics Overview
1.3.1 Botulinum Toxins
1.3.2 Dermal Fillers
1.4 Plastic Surgery
1.5 Advantages & Disadvantages of Aesthetic Procedures
2. Global Aesthetics Market
Market Segmentation
Regional Breakdown
By Gender
2.1 Global Surgical Aesthetics Market
Market Segmentation
Regional Breakdown
By Gender
2.2 Global Non-Surgical Aesthetic Market
Market Segmentation
Regional Breakdown
By Gender
2.2.1 Global Facial Aesthetics Market
Market Value
Market Segments
2.3 Global Cosmeceuticals Market
2.3.1 Topical Cosmeceuticals
2.3.2 Injectable Cosmeceuticals
3. Regional Markets
3.1 North American Aesthetics Market
Total Procedures
Liposuction Procedures
Non-Surgical Fat Reduction
3.1.1 The U.S. Aesthetics Market
Market Segmentation
Regional Breakdown
By Gender
Surgical Procedures
Non-surgical Procedures
3.2 Korean Aesthetics Market
3.2.1 Korean Aesthetics Non-Surgical Market
Botulinum Toxin
Facial Fillers
4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Key Trends and Developments
4.1.1 Robust Shift towards Non-Invasive Aesthetic Devices
4.1.2 Substitution of Silicone Implants by Saline Implants
4.1.3 Body Contouring as an Upcoming High Growth Area
4.1.4 Greater Availability of Physicians for Aesthetic Procedures
4.1.5 Favorable Macro Trends for Aesthetic Procedures
4.1.6 Responsive Attitude of Patients & Physicians for New Treatments
4.2 Growth Drivers
4.2.1 Rising Economic Participation of Women
4.2.2 Rising Number of Households with Target Demographics
4.2.3 Improving Consumer Confidence Index of the U.S.
4.2.4 Burgeoning Obese Population
4.2.5 Rising GDP
4.2.6 Increasing Population of Women
4.3 Challenges
4.3.1 Potential Health Risks of Undergoing Aesthetic Procedures
4.3.2 Price Erosion Led by Fierce Competition in Aesthetics Industry
5. Competitive Landscape
5.1 Global Aesthetics Market
5.1.1 Korean Aesthetics Market
5.2 Global Aesthetic Treatment System Market
5.2.1 North America Aesthetic Treatment System Market
6. Company Profiles
6.1 Allergan Inc.
6.1.1 Business Overview
6.1.2 Financial Overview
6.1.3 Business Strategies
6.2 Medy-Tox Inc.
6.2.1 Business Overview
6.2.2 Financial Overview
6.2.3 Business Strategies
6.3 Ipsen
6.3.1 Business Overview
6.3.2 Financial Overview
6.3.3 Business Strategies
List of Tables
Applications of Botulinum Toxin
Strengths & Weaknesses of Facial Injectables by Types
Classification of Dermal Fillers by Action
Global Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Country (2014)
Global Top Surgical Procedures Performed by Type (2014)
Global Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed By Country (2014)
Global Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Types (2014)
Global Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Country (2014)
The U.S. Top Reconstructive Procedures Performed (2014)
The U.S. Top Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed (2014)
The U.S. Top Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed (2014)
Korean Botulinum Toxin Product Comparison by Company
Technology Transfer Agreement between Medytox and Allergan
List of Charts
Types of Facial Aesthetics
Global Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Category (2014)
Global Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Types (2014)
Global Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Gender (2014)
Global Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Category (2014)
Global Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Gender (2014)
Global Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Category (2014)
Global Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Gender (2014)
Global Facial Aesthetics Market (2013-2020E)
Global Facial Aesthetic Botulinum Toxin Market (2013-2020E)
Global Dermal Facial Fillers Market (2013-2020E)
Global Cosmeceuticals Market (2012-2017E)
Global Topical Cosmeceuticals Market (2012-2017E)
Global Injectable Cosmeceuticals Market (2012-2017E)
Global Botulinum Toxin Market (2010-2014)
Global Botulinum Toxin Market by Region (2014)
North America - Total Aesthetic Procedures Expenditure (2006-2014)
North America Aesthetic Procedure Expenditure by Category (2014)
North America - Liposuction Procedures Performed (2006-2014)
North America Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Expenditure & Procedures Performed (2012-2014)
The U.S. Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Category (2014)
The U.S. Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Types (2014)
The U.S. Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Gender (2014)
The U.S. Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Region (2014)
The U.S. Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Expenditure (2014)
The U.S. Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Gender (2014)
The U.S. Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Expenditure (2014)
The U.S. Non-Surgical Aesthetics Procedures by Gender (2014)
Korean Botulinum Toxin Market (2006-2014)
Korean Facial Fillers Market (2011-2014)
Number of Invasive & Non Invasive Procedures (1997/2013)
Share of the U.S. Silicone Implants in Breast Augmentation (2007-2016E)
The U.S. Yearly Growth in Aesthetic Procedures (2006-2014)
Global Working Women Population (2010-2014E)
Number of Household with Income above US$75 Thousand (2008-2013)
Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) of the U.S. (2009-2015*)
Global Obese Population (2009-2014)
Global Gross Domestic Product Growth (2009-2014)
Global Female Population, Over 45 Years (2008-2014)
Global Botulinum Toxin Market Share by Company (2014)
Global Hyaluronic Acid Fillers Market Share by Company (2014)
Korean Botulinum Toxin Market Share by Company (2014)
Korean HA (Hyaluronic Acid) Fillers Market Share by Company (2014)
Global Aesthetic Treatment System Market by Company (2014)
North America Aesthetic Treatment System Market by Company (2014)
Allergan Net Sales by Product Segments (2014)
Allergan Plc. Revenue (2010-2014)
Medytox Sales by Product Segments (1H15)
Medytox Sales by Geographical Region (1H15)
Medy-Tox Sales and Net Profit (2013-2016E)
Ipsen Sales by Therapeutic Areas (2014)
Ipsen’s Sales (2010-2014)