Global Animal Health Market Report: 2015 Edition

64 pages report Published in
Publisher: Koncept Analytics

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Animals like humans also suffer from diseases and hence require proper care from veterinarians, farmers and pet owners. Improving the health and well-being of companion animals, livestock and wild animals and treating them is the foremost objective of animal health industry. Companion animals are the animals that are kept by people for companionship, protection and enjoyment whereas food producing animals are those which are raised in agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food and fiber and thereby serve the purpose of feeding humans. Animal health products, also known as veterinary medicines are pharmaceuticals, vaccines and feed additives used to keep animals healthy. These medicines help companion animals live longer and healthier lives and increase productivity of livestock.

Increasing animal meat consumption globally, rising ageing population, improving economic conditions with rise in the global GDP, increasing urban population, faster and cheaper regulatory approvals, increasing scope for Biologics and Oncolytic and improving drought conditions in high plain regions of the U.S., are the major factors contributing to the growth of animal health market. However, the growth of the market has been hindered by certain challenges including major threats from new entrants and generic companies, entrance of other players in food retail space and increased cost of product development.

The report, “Global Animal Health Market” analyzes the development of the animal health market, with a focus on its segments including: market for companion animals and food producing animals. The global market along with markets of the U.S., Europe and India are being discussed in the report. The major trends, growth drivers as well as issues being faced by the industry are being presented in this report. The three major players in the industry – Zoetis, Merck, Elli Lilly and Sanofi are being profiled, along with their key financials and strategies for growth.

By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.

Table of Contents

1. Market Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Animal Health Products
1.2.1 Categories of Animal Health Products
1.2.2 Types of Animal Health Products
1.2.3 Animal Medicines vs. Human Medicines
1.2.4 Value Chain Analysis

2. Market Analysis
2.1 Global Animal Health Market
Market Value
Product Segmentation
Regional Breakdown
2.1.1 Food Producing Animals
Market Value
Market Forecast
2.1.2 Companion Animals
Market Value
Market Forecast
Major Segments

3. Regional Markets
3.1 The U.S.
Market Value
Product Segmentation
Pet Ownership
Pet Industry Expenditures
3.2 Europe
Market Value
Product Segmentation
3.2.1 The UK
Market Value
Product Segmentation
Market by Species
Pet Ownership
3.3 India
Market Value
Market Segmentation
Product Share

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.1.1. Increasing Meat Consumption
4.1.2 Rising Ageing Population
4.1.3 Improving Economic Conditions
4.1.4 Rising Urban Population
4.1.5 Faster and Cheaper Regulatory Approvals
4.1.6 Increasing Scope for Biologics and Oncolytic
4.1.7 Improving Drought Conditions in High Plain Regions of the U.S.
4.2 Key Trends and Developments
4.2.1 Diminishing Influence of Vets for Buying Decisions
4.2.2 Insurance as a Growing Option for Pet Owners
4.2.3 Modification of Human Drugs for Animal Health
4.2.4 Innovative Pipeline and Portfolios in Animal Health
4.3 Challenges
4.3.1 Major Threats from New Entrants and Generics
4.3.2 Entrance of Other Players in Food Retail Space
4.3.3 High Cost of Product Development

5. Competitive Landscape

6. Company Profiles
6.1 Zoetis Inc.
6.1.1 Business Overview
6.1.2 Financial Overview
6.1.3 Business Strategies
6.2 Merck and Co.
6.2.1 Business Overview
6.2.2 Financial Overview
6.2.3 Business Strategies
6.3 Eli Lilly and Company
6.3.1 Business Overview
6.3.2 Financial Overview
6.3.3 Business Strategies
6.4 Sanofi
6.4.1 Business Overview
6.4.2 Financial Overview
6.4.3 Business Strategies

7. Market Outlook
7.1 Market Forecast
7.2 Forecast Methodology
7.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
7.2.2 Correlation Analysis
7.2.3 Regression Analysis

List of Tables

Animal Health Products
Key Differences between Animal Medicine and Human Medicine Markets
Total Number of Households Owning a Pet in the U.S. (2014)
Total Number of Pets Owned in the U.S. (2014)
Basic Annual Expenses for Dogs and Cats per Owner in the U.S. (2014)
European Animal Health Market by Value (2014)
The UK Animal Health Market by Products- Value (2010-2015)
The UK Animal Health Market by Species (2010-2015)
The UK Animal Health Market by License Category (2010-2015)
The UK Total Pet Population & Households with Pet (2014)
The U.S. Veterinary Regulatory Agencies
Development Drugs for Animal Health
Dependent & Independent Variables (2010-2014)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary – Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output

List of Charts

Supply Chain Analysis of Animal Health Products
Global Animal Health Market (2010-2014)
Global Animal Health Market Forecasts (2015E/2020F)
Global Animal Health Market by Species (2014)
Global Animal Health Market by Species Forecast (2015E/2020F)
Global Animal Health Market by Products (2014)
Global Animal Health Market by Regions (2014)
Global Food Producing Animal’s Health Market (2010-2014)
Global Food Producing Animal’s Health Market (2010-2014)
Global Companion Animal’s Health Market (2010-2014)
Global Companion Animal’s Health Market Forecast (2015-2020)
Global Companion Animal’s Health Market by Species (2014)
Global Companion Animal’s Health Market by Species Forecast
The U.S. Animal Health Market (2010-2014E)
The U.S. Animal Health Market by Products (2016E)
The U.S. Pet Industry Spending (2008-2015E)
The U.S. Pet Industry Spending by Products (2014)
European Animal Health Market by Products (2014)
The UK Animal Health Market (2010-2014)
The UK Animal Health Market Share by Products (12 Months to March 2015)
The UK Animal Health Market by Species (12 Months to March 2015)
The UK Animal Health Market by License Category (12 Months to March 2015)
The UK Pet Population Share by Species (2014)
Indian Animal Health Market Opportunity (2012-2020E)
Indian Animal Health Market by Species (2014E)
Indian Animal Health Market by Products (2014E)
Global Meat Consumption (2010-2014E)
Global Ageing Population Over 65 (2009-2014E)
Global GDP Growth (2009-2014)
Rising Global Urban Population
Drought Conditions in High Plain Regions of the U.S. (2011-2015)
Animal Health Drug Sales by Channels (2004-2013)
Global Animal Health Market Share by Companies (2014)
Zoetis Revenue by Regions (2014)
Zoetis Revenue by Species (2014)
Zoetis Revenue and Net Income (2010-2014)
Merck and Co. Revenue by Segments (2013/2014)
Merck and Co. Revenue by Regions (2014)
Merck and Co. - Revenue and Net Income (2010-2014)
Merck and Co. Research and Development Expenditure (2010-2014)
Eli Lilly’s Revenue by Segments (2014)
Eli Lilly’s Revenue and Net Income (2010-2014)
Sanofi Revenue by Segments (2013/2014)
Sanofi Revenue by Regions (2013/2014)
Sanofi Sales and Net Income (2010-2014)
Global Animal Health Market Forecast (2014-2018E)

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