China Human Vaccine Industry Report, 2014-2017
Vaccines can prevent and control infectious diseases, so the demand for these biological products is relatively rigid. In 2013, China’s human vaccine lot release volume grew by 4.9% from a year earlier, and the market size expanded 2.8% year on year. As vaccination is suspected of causing death and some companies (such as Shenzhen Kangtai, Tiantan Biological and Dalian Hissen) have to shut down the production of some products after failing to pass the new GMP certification, China’s human vaccine market supply and demand may witness a slight decline in 2014, but it is still expected to grow steadily in the long run.
Affected by China’s economic level, national vaccine prevention policies and people’s awareness, free EPI vaccines prevail in China with a share of approximately 80% in the total lot release volume. Also, the Chinese health authorities are trying to improve the quality of EPI vaccines. For example, Huizhou City of Guangdong province takes the lead to contain poliomyelitis inactivated vaccines into its immunization program (Sanofi Pasteur acts as a supplier in this program) for a trial in 2014. However, this program stipulates the injection of the poliomyelitis inactivated vaccine “IPV” for the first two vaccinations, while requires the oral administration of the poliomyelitis attenuated vaccine “OPV” for the third and fourth vaccinations.
Chinese human vaccine market is still dominated by Beijing Tiantan Biological, Chengdu Institute of Biology under Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. , Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd., Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd., Changchun Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd., Institute of Medical Biology under Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and other state-owned enterprises; but, their market share is falling. In 2013, the lot release volume of Chinese state-owned enterprises accounted for 69.9%, down 8.6 percentage points compared with last year; whereas, the share of private and foreign-funded enterprises jumped by 6 percentage points and 2.6 percentage points over the previous year respectively.
The improved quality of Chinese vaccines, the increased export tax rebates (from 13% in 2009 to 15%) and other favorable factors have prompted China’s human vaccine export volume and value to grow quickly. From January to June of 2014, the export volume and value amounted to 65.08 tons and USD15.45 million respectively, representing the separate increase of 115.6% and 50% over the same period of last year.
As China’s vaccine regulatory system is recognized by WHO, Chengdu Institute of Biology under Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Tiantan Biological, Hualan Biological and other domestic vaccine companies are actively submitting pre-certification application to WHO in order to further expand overseas markets. In October 2013, the JE (Japanese encephalitis) vaccines of Chengdu Institute of Biology under Chinese Academy of Sciences were pre-certified by WHO at first and included in the procurement list of the United Nations. WHO inspected the influenza (split virion) vaccines of Hualan Biological on the spot in April 2014, and these vaccines are expected to be exported in 2015.
The report covers the following:
- Operating environment, status quo and sales channels of China human vaccine industry;
- Market supply & demand, competition patterns, import & export and development prediction of China human vaccine industry;
- Market supply & demand, competition patterns and market prices of 10 kinds of vaccine products including hepatitis B vaccine, influenza vaccine, rabies vaccine and pneumonia vaccine in China;
- Operation, vaccine business and development prospects of 11 Chinese human vaccine enterprises.
Table of Contents
1. Overview of Vaccine Industry
1.1 Definition & classification
1.2 Industry Chain
2. China Human Vaccine Industry & Market
2.1 Overview
2.2 Operating Environment
2.2.1 International Market
2.2.2 Policy Environment
2.2.3 Biopharmaceutical Market in China
2.3 Status Quo
2.4 Supply & Demand
2.5 Competition Pattern
2.6 Dynamics
2.7 Sales Channel
3. Human Vaccine Market Segments in China
3.1 Hepatitis B Vaccine
3.1.1 Supply & Demand
3.1.2 Competition Pattern
3.1.3 Market Price
3.2 Meningococcal Vaccines
3.2.1 Supply & Demand
3.2.2 Competition Pattern
3.2.3 Market Price
3.2.4 Market Forecast
3.3 Hepatitis A Vaccine
3.3.1 Supply & Demand
3.3.2 Competition Pattern
3.3.3 Market Price
3.3.4 Market Forecast
3.4 Influenza Vaccine
3.4.1 Supply & Demand
3.4.2 Competition Pattern
3.4.3 Market Price
3.5 Hib Vaccine
3.5.1 Supply & Demand
3.5.2 Competition Pattern
3.5.3 Market Price
3.5.4 Market Forecast
3.6 Rabies Vaccine
3.6.1 Supply & Demand
3.6.2 Competition Pattern
3.6.3 Market Price
3.6.4 Market Forecast
3.7 Varicella Vaccine
3.7.1 Supply & Demand
3.7.2 Competition Pattern
3.7.3 Market Price
3.8 Pneumococcal Vaccines
3.8.1 Supply & Demand
3.8.2 Competition Pattern
3.8.3 Market Price
3.9 DTP Vaccine
3.9.1 Supply & Demand
3.9.2 Competition Pattern
3.9.3 Market Dynamics & Forecast
3.10 Poliomyelitis Vaccine
3.10.1 Supply & Demand
3.10.2 Competition Pattern
4. China’s Import and Export of Vaccines
4.1 Export
4.1.1 Export Volume and Value
4.1.2 Export Country and Region
4.2 Import
4.2.1 Import Volume and Value
4.2.2 Import Country and Region
5. Major Vaccine Manufacturers in China
5.1 China National Biotec Group
5.1.1 Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Co., Ltd
5.2 Hualan Biological Engineering Inc.
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Revenue Structure
5.2.4 Gross Margin
5.2.5 Customers and Suppliers
5.2.6 R&D and Investment
5.2.7 Vaccine Business
5.2.8 Development and Prospects
5.3 Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co., Ltd
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Revenue Structure
5.3.4 Gross Margin
5.3.5 Customers
5.3.6 R&D and Investment
5.3.7 Development and Prospects
5.4 Walvax Biotechnology Co., Ltd
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Revenue Structure
5.4.4 Gross Margin
5.4.5 Customers and Suppliers
5.4.6 R&D and Investment
5.4.7 Development and Prospects
5.5 Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Revenue Structure
5.5.4 R&D and Investment
5.6 Liaoning Chengda Co., Ltd.
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Revenue Structure
5.6.4 Gross Margin
5.6.5 Customers
5.6.6 Vaccine Business
5.6.7 Development and Prospects
5.7 Changchun BCHT Biotechnology Co. Ltd.
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.8 Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences Limited
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.9 Zhejiang Tianyuan Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
5.10 Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co. Ltd
5.10.1 Profile
5.10.2 Operation
5.11 Dalian Hissen Bio-Pharm Co., Ltd
5.11.1 Profile
5.11.2 Operation
List of Charts
Classification of Vaccines
Vaccine Industry Chain
EPI Human Vaccine Varieties in China, 2013
Global Human Vaccine Market Scale, 2008-2013
Sales Value of the Global Top 5 Human Vaccine Manufacturers, 2008-2013
Top 10 Best-selling Vaccines Worldwide, 2013
Main Mergers & Acquisitions in the Vaccine Industry Worldwide, 2005- 2014
Policies in Vaccine Industry in China
Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Biological & Biochemical Product Industry in China, 2007- 2014
China’s Human Vaccine Market Scale, 2007-2013
Major Human Vaccine Varieties and Producers in China
Gross Margin of Major Human Vaccine Manufacturers in China, 2007-2013
The Release and Percentage (by Volume) of EPI and Extra EPI Vaccines in China, 2007-2013
China’s EPI Human Vaccine Market Shares by Release, 2008-2013
China’s Extra EPI Human Vaccine Market Shares by Release, 2008-2013
Vaccine Business Revenue of Key Vaccine Enterprises in China, 2011-2013
Development of Some New Vaccine in China by the end of Aug., 2014
Some Events Related to Vaccine Business of Foreign Enterprises in China, 2011-2013
Vaccine Distribution Channel in China
Lot Release Volume of Hepatitis B Vaccine in China by Dosage Form, 2007-2013
Hepatitis B Vaccine (CHO Cell) Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2008-2013
Hepatitis B Vaccine (Yeast) Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Market Prices of Hepatitis B Vaccine in Some Regions of China, 2014
Meningitis Morbidity and Mortality in China, 2008-2013
Meningococcal Vaccines Lot Release Volume in China by Type, 2007-2013
Suppliers and Lot Release Volume of A-Group Meningococcal Vaccines, 2007-2013
Suppliers and Lot Release Volume of A+C Meningococcal Vaccines, 2007-2013
Suppliers and Lot Release Volume of ACYW135 Meningococcal Vaccines in China, 2008-2013
Market Prices of Meningococcal Vaccines in Some Regions of China, 2014
Consumption Forecast of A-MCV, AC-MCV and ACYW135 in China, 2013-2017E
Hepatitis A Morbidity and Mortality in China, 2008-2013
Hepatitis A Vaccine Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Hepatitis A Vaccine Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Market Price of Hepatitis A Vaccine in China, 2014
Consumption Forecast of Hepatitis A Vaccine in China, 2013-2017E
Influenza Morbidity and Mortality in China, 2008-2013
H1N1 Influenza Morbidity and Mortality in China, 2009-2012
Lot Release Volume of Influenza Vaccine in China, 2007-2013
Suppliers and Lot Release Volume of Influenza Split Vaccine in China, 2007-2013
Influenza Subunit Vaccine Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2012
Market Price of Influence Vaccine in China, 2014
Hib Vaccine Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Hib Vaccine Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Market Prices of Hib Vaccine in Some Regions of China, 2014
Sales Volume of Hib Vaccine in China, 2013-2017E
Rabies Morbidity and Mortality in China, 2007-2013
Human Rabies Vaccine Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Human Rabies Vaccine Lot Release Volume in China by Type, 2007-2013
Human Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Human BHK Cell Rabies Vaccine Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Market Price of Human Rabies Vaccine in Some Regions of China, 2014
Demand Forecast of Human Rabies Vaccine in China, 2012-2015
Varicella Vaccine Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Suppliers and Lot Release Volume of Varicella Vaccine in China, 2007-2013
Market Price of Varicella Vaccine in Some Regions of China, 2014
Pneumococcal Vaccines Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Suppliers of 7-valent and 23-valent Pneumococcal Vaccines and Their Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Market Prices of Pneumococcal Vaccines in Some Regions of China, 2014
DTP Vaccine Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
DTPa Vaccine Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Poliomyelitis Vaccine Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Poliomyelitis Vaccine Suppliers and Lot Release Volume in China, 2007-2013
Export Volume and Value of Human Vaccine in China, 2009- 2014
Export Average Unit Price of Human Vaccine in China, 2009- 2012
China’s Human Vaccine Export Volume and Value by Country, 2013
Import Volume and Value Human Vaccine in China, 2009- 2012
Import Average Unit Price of Human Vaccine in China, 2009- 2014
China’s Human Vaccine Import Volume and Value by Country, 2013
Major Shareholding Companies of Tiantan Biological and Their Revenue, Net Income, 2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Tiantan Biological, 2007-2014
Revenue Breakdown of Tiantan Biological by Sector, 2007-2013
Revenue Breakdown of Tiantan Biological by Region, 2007-2013
Tiantan Biological’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2007-2013
Tiantan Biological’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue, 2007-2013
Name List and Revenue Contribution of Tiantan Biological’s Top 5 Customers, 2013
Gross Margin of Tiantan Biological by Sector, 2007-2013
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Tiantan Biological, 2009-2013
Vaccine Revenue and Gross Margin of Tiantan Biological, 2007-2013
Lot Release Volume and Proportion of Beijing Tiantan Biological by Products, 2009-2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Tiantan Biological, 2012-2017E
Revenue and Operating Income of Hualan Biological, 2007-2013
Revenue Breakdown of Hualan Biological by Sector, 2007-2013
Revenue Breakdown of Hualan Biological by Product, 2007-2013
Gross Margin of Hualan Biological by Product, 2007-2014
Hualan Biological’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue, 2007-2013
Hualan Biological’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2007-2012
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Hualan Biological, 2007-2013
Lot Release Volume and Proportion of Hualan Biological by Products, 2011-2013
Vaccine Revenue and Gross Margin of Hualan Biological, 2008-2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Hualan Biological, 2012-2017E
Main Products of Zhifei Biological and Its Subsidiaries
Revenue and Operating Income of Zhifei Biological, 2007-2014
Revenue Breakdown of Zhifei Biological by Products, 2011-2012
Revenue Breakdown of Zhifei Biological by Products,20111-2013
Lot Release Volume and Proportion of Zhifei Biological by Products, 2011-2013
Revenue Breakdown of Zhifei Biological by Region, 2009-2013
Gross Margin of Zhifei Biological, 2009-2014
Gross Margin of Zhifei Biological’s Self- owned Products , 2008-2014
Gross Margin of Zhifei Biological’s Agent Products , 2008-2013
Zhifei Biological’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2008-2013
R&D Expenditure and Its Proportion to Revenue of Zhifei Biological, 2008-2013
Progress of the Products under Research of Zhifei Biological by the end of 2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Zhifei Biological, 2012-2017E
Industrial Layout of Walvax Biotechnology
Revenue and Operating Income of Walvax Biotechnology, 2009-2014
Revenu e Breakdown of Walvax Biotechnology by Sector, 2009-2013
Lot Release Volume and Proportion of Walvax Biotechnology by Products, 2009-2013
Revenue Breakdown of Walvax Biotechnology by Region, 2010-2013
Gross Margin of Walvax Biotechnology by Products, 2007-2013
Walvax Biotechnology’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2008-2013
Name List, Revenue Contribution and % to Total Revenue of Top 5 Clients of Walvax Biotechnology, 2013
Walvax Biological’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2008-2013
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Walvax Biotechnology, 2009-2013
Progress of Products under Research of Walvax Biotechnology by the end of 2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Walvax Biotechnology, 2012-2017E
Equity Structure of Sinovac Biotech Ltd
Revenue and Profit of Sinovac Biotech Ltd., 2008-2014
Vaccine Sales Volume of Sinovac Biotech Ltd by Product, 2011-2013
Revenue Breakdown of Sinovac Biotech Ltd by Products, 2008-2014
Lot Release and Proportion of Sinovac Biotech Ltd., 2008-2013
R&D Expenditure and Its Proportion to Revenue of Sinovac Biotech Ltd.,2007-2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Liaoning Chengda, 2008-2014
Revenue Breakdown of Liaoning Chengda by Sector, 2008-2013
Revenue Breakdown of Liaoning Chengda byRegion, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Liaoning Chengda by Sector, 2008-2014
Liaoning Chengda’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue,2008-2013
Name List, Revenue Contribution and % to Total Revenue of Top 5 Customers of Liaoning Chengda, 2013
Vaccine Revenue and Gross Margin of Liaonig Chengda, 2008-2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Liaoning Chengda, 2012-2017E
Revenue and Operating Income of Changchun BCHT, 2009-2013
Lot Release and Proportion of Changchun BCHT, 2008-2013
Lot Release and Proportion of Changchun Changsheng by product, 2008-2013
Vaccines of Zhejiang Tianyuan Bio-Pharmaceutical
Lot Rlease and Proportion of Zhejiang Tianyuan Bio-Pharmaceutical by Product, 2008-2013
Lot Release and Market Share of Kangtai Biological Hepatitis B Vaccine, 2007-2013
Lot Release and Proportion of Hissen Bio-pharm, 2009-2013
Vaccine Projects of Hissen Bio-pharm, 2013