Medical Robots Transforming Healthcare: Pricing & Cost-Benefit Assessment (Price Variation (by Product (Surgical Robots, Rehabilitation Robotics, Stereotactic Radiosurgery), by Application, by Geography), Reimbursement, Selection Criteria, Buying Cycle
Extensive research on the price variation and cost-benefits of medical robots (surgical/rehabilitation/non-invasive radiosurgery/hospital & pharmacy) has brought to light the factors influencing the prices of the robots and the cost-savings achieved through investment in the expansive capital equipment. Considering the on-going and rapid change occurring in the health care industry, hospitals are focusing on various ways to increase the quality of care delivered. Aligned with this trend, healthcare providers are increasingly adopting advanced technologies that help them realize increase in patient volumes as well as increasing patient satisfaction in the form of reduced surgical pain, reduced hospital stay and follow-up, and faster recovery time.
Below is the list of some of the benefits of Medical Robots:
Benefits To Clinics And Hospitals (Providers) & Patients
- Surgical Robots & Non-Invasive Radiosurgery System (robotic based): Achieve cost savings in terms of reduced pre- and post-operation care costs and length of stay at hospitals
- Pharmacy and Hospital Robotic systems: Achieve cost-saving through reduced manpower (required for medication dispensing, packaging, and labelling) and lowering medication error through automation
- Rehabilitation Robots: Achieve cost saving through providing self-sufficiency to the disabled by reducing expenses incurred on external help & physiotherapy
Reasons to Buy the Report:
The report will enrich both established firms as well as new entrants/smaller firms to gauge the pulse of the market. Insights cited in the report will help these firms to stay competitive in the market and garner a greater market share. It will enlighten the stakeholders about the benefits of embracing medical robots. The study analyzes the total economic impact (TEI) of medical robots on organizations and highlights the transformation enabling value of a technology in increasing the effectiveness of overall business processes.
Firms purchasing the report could use the below-mentioned information for strategy development, market penetration, and product development/innovation and for strengthening respective market shares.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
- Pricing Variation: This section provides comprehensive information on pricing of medical robots and analyzing the price variation across application areas of each robot type and geographic price variation
- Reimbursement Landscape Assessment: This section provides insights on the current reimbursement scenario in surgical, non-invasive radiosurgery, and hospital & pharmacy robots. Regional level data have been covered in the section
- Major Price Determinants: This section dissects the various price determinants that guide the final pricing of a robot
- Financing Option Assessment: This section provides exhaustive information on varied financing options available to the end users to gain access to the expensive technology
- Key Influencers & Decision-makers: This section provides detailed information on key influencers &decision-makers that play a crucial role throughout the buying cycle right from deciding the purchase, evaluation of technologies up till the final purchase of the technology
- Key Selection Criteria for End-Users: The section covers the criteria considered by the end-users while making purchase decisions for a robotic technology.
- Buying Cycle Assessment: The section covers the standard buying cycle followed in medical robotic purchases and the length of buying cycle for each type of robotic technology.
- Marketing & Promotional Strategies Adopted by Vendors: The section provides and indicative list of marketing & promotional activities followed by the vendors to increase their product visibility in the market
- Cost-Benefit Assessment (Based on Research Studies & Expert Opinions): This section provides in-depth assessment of cost-benefit assessment covering cost benefit studies and industry opinion that provides a guideline to the stakeholders in understanding the investment structure and the cost-savings achieved through the use of each type of robot.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Medical Robots: Pricing Landscape
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Indicative Price List
2.2.1 Surgical Robots
2.2.2 Rehabilitation Robots
2.2.3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
2.2.4 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots
2.3 Price Variation Assessment
2.3.1 By Application Surgical Robots Rehabilitation Robots Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
2.3.2 By Geography Surgical Robots Hospital & Pharmacy Robots Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
3 Expected Price War: Surgical Robots Market (Intuitive vs Competition)
4 Medical Robots: Reimbursement Landscape, By Region
4.1 Surgical Robots
4.2 Rehabilitation Robots
4.3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
5 Medical Robots: Major Price Determinants
6 Medical Robots: Financing Options Assessment
6.1 Surgical Robots
6.2 Rehabilitation Robots
6.3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
6.4 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots
7 Medical Robots: Key Influncers & Decision-Makers
7.1 Surgical Robots
7.2 Rehabilitation Robots
7.3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
7.4 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots
8 Medical Robots: Key Selection Criteria for End-User
8.1 Surgical Robots
8.2 Rehabilitation Robots
8.3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
8.4 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots
9 Medical Robots: Buying Cycle Assessment
10 Medical Robots: Marketing & Promotions Strategies Adopted By Vendors
10.1 Surgical Robots
10.2 Rehabilitation Robots
10.3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
10.4 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots
11 Cost-Benefit Assessment (Based on Research Studies & Expert Opinions)
11.1 Surgical Robots
11.1.1 Cost-Benefit Studies A Da Vinci Robot System Can Make Sensefor A Mature Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Program Robot-Assisted Surgery Compared With Open Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery: Clinical Effectiveness and Economic Analyses
11.1.2 Industry Speaks
11.2 Rehabilitation Robots
11.2.1 Economic Impact of Rehabilitation Robots Vis-À-Vis Disease Burden
11.2.2 Cost-Benefit Studies an Economic Analysis of Robot-Assisted Therapy Fro Long-Term Upper-Limb Imparement After Stroke
11.2.3 Industry Speaks
11.3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based)
11.3.1 Cost-Benefit Studies A Comparative Study of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Versus Open Surgery for Intracranial Pathology Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery and Whole-Brain Radiotherapy for Multiple Metastatic Brain Tumors Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of A Randomized Study Comparing Radiosurgery With Radiosurgery and Whole Brain Radition Therapy in Patients With 1 to 3 Brain Metastases Cyberknife for Prostrate Cancer: is It Cost-Effective Tomotherapy, Gamma Knife, and Cyberknife Therapies for Patients With Tumors of the Lung, Central Nervous System, Or Intra-Abdomen: A Systematic Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness
11.3.2 Industry Speaks
11.4 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots
11.4.1 Cost-Benefit Studies Impact of Robotic Dispensing Machines in German Pharmacies on Business Performance Indicators Recent Trends in the Usage of Robotics in Pharmacy Cover Story - Rise of Machines Automated Medication Dispensing Systems : A Review of the Clinical Benefits, Harms, and Cost-Effectiveness
11.4.2 Industry Speaks
12 Appendix
12.1 Indicative List of Research Studies Highlighted on Company Websites
12.1.1 Intutive Surgicals
12.1.2 Mazor Robotics
12.1.3 Varian Medical Systems
12.1.4 Elekta AB
12.1.5 Hocoma AG
12.1.6 Rewalk
12.2 Sources: Indicative List of Research Studies Highlighted on Company Websites
List of Tables
Table 1 Surgical Robots: Indicative Price List
Table 2 Rehabilitation Robots: Indicative Price List
Table 3 Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robotic-Based): Indicative Price List
Table 4 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots: Indicative Price List
Table 5 Surgical Robots: Price Variation, By Application
Table 6 Various Specifications for Da Vinci Xi, Si, and Si-E
Table 7 Price Variations for Non-Invasive Radiosurgery Systems (Robot-Based), By Brand
Table 8 Price Variations for Surgical Robots, By Geography
Table 9 Price Variations for Rehabilitation Robots, By Geography
Table 10 Price Variations for Hospital & Pharmacy Robots, By Geography
Table 11 Cyberknife Installation, By Region
Table 12 Gamma Knife Installation, By Region
Table 13 Approximate Cyberknife & Gamma Knife Procedure Cost, By Region
Table 14 Surgical Robots: Price War Competition Analysis
Table 15 Reimbursement Details: Changes in Total Global Payment for Single Session Extracranial and Multisession SRS (Stereotactic Radiosurgery)/SBRT (Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy)
Table 16 Average and Incremental Per-Patient Costs of Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (Rarp), Open Radical Prostatectomy (ORP), and Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (Lrp)
Table 17 Undiscounted Per Center Costs of Da Vinci Robot, Maintenance, Consumables, and Training, By Year
Table 18 Share of Road Traffic Inuries Mortality in Leading Cause of Deaths World-Wide 2004
Table 19 Share of Road Traffic Inuries Mortality in Leading Cause of Deaths World-Wide 2030
Table 20 Hourly Rehabilitation Robot Cost
Table 21 Hourly Physiotherapist Cost
Table 22 Hourly Robot-Aided Therapy Cost (Including Physiotherapist Cost)
Table 23 Comparison of Robot-Assisted Reahbilitation Therapy and Conventional Therapy
Table 24 A Comparison of Average 12 Month Costs of Treating Patients With Open and Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKRS)
Table 25 A Comparison of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKRS) and Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT)
Table 26 A Comparison of ‘Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)+ Observation’ and ‘SRS + Whole Brain Radiation Therapy (WBRT)’
Table 27 A Comparison of Total Lifetime Costs of Surgery, Cyberknife (CK), Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), and Proton Therapy (PT)
Table 28 A Comparison of Base Case Average Capital Equipment Costs Per Patient for Gamma Knife (GK), Cyberknife (CK), and Other Linac Systems
Table 29 Sample Calculation of the Total Costs of A Robotic Dispensing Machine
Table 30 Comparison of Rowa Vmax, Go.Compact, Robopharma, and Consis
Table 31 Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) Or Relative Risk Increase (RRI) Comparison of Automated Dispensing Devices (ADD) in Different Set-Ups
Table 32 Five-Year Drug Distribution Costs of Automated Dispensing Devices (ADD)
Table 33 Accuracy Rates Before and After Implementation of A Carousel Dispensing Technology (CDT)
List of Figures
Figure 1 Medical Robots: A Historical Timeline
Figure 2 Medical Robots, By Product Segmentation
Figure 3 Factors Responsible for Price Variation in Medical Robots
Figure 4 Surgical Robots: Price Variation, By Application
Figure 5 Price Variations for Laparoscopy Robots, By Brand
Figure 6 Price Variations for Da Vinci Robots, By Type
Figure 7 Price Variations for Steerable Robotic Catheter Systems, By Brand
Figure 8 Price Variations for Neurology Robots, By Brand
Figure 9 Price Variations for Orthopedic Robots, By Brand
Figure 10 Price Variations for Rehabilitation Robots, By Type & Brand
Figure 11 Medical Robots: Major Price Determinants
Figure 12 Medical Robots: Financing Options Assessment, By Type
Figure 13 Medical Robots: Key Stakeholders in Purchase Decision, By Type
Figure 14 Medical Robots: Key Influncers & Decision-Makers
Figure 15 Medical Robots: Key Selection Criteria for End-User, By Type
Figure 16 Medical Robots: Buying Cycle Assessment, By Type
Figure 17 Medical Robots: Marketing & Promotions Strategies, By Type
Figure 18 Surgical Robots: Industry Speaks
Figure 19 Rehabilitation Robots: Industry Speaks
Figure 20 Non-Invasive Radiosurgical Systems (Robot-Based): Industry Speaks
Figure 21 Hospital & Pharmacy Robots: Industry Speaks