Dentistry services market in Poland 2015. Development forecasts for 2015-2020
Explore value, regulatory changes in Poland’s market for dentistry services.
Report analyses key services segments and offers forecasts for development in 2015-2020.
Consult PMR’s latest publication for an assessment of the dental health status of the Polish public and their views toward dental services and maintenance performed on a regular basis. You’ll also learn more about the health care delivery system and reimbursement for dentistry services in Poland, as well as legal and regulatory developments and their current and long-term impacts on the market.
Dentistry services market in Poland 2015. Development forecasts for 2015-2020 provides a comprehensive view of the market for dentistry services and its major segments -prosthetic dentistry with implantology, orthodontics and conservative dentistry. This unique publication provides analysis of key trends and information on the market’s recent expansions, current value, and predicted growth for the remainder of this decade.
The document explores recent and planned regulations for the dentistry services sector in Poland, including the directive of the European Union known as Patients Without Borders. It provides analysis of the impacts that the directive will exert upon the policies of the National Health Fund (NFZ) and evaluates the medical tourism market in terms of dentistry services. Price ranges for particular dental services on the Polish market are given, along with comparisons to prices in neighboring countries.
Key players on the dentistry services market in Poland are profiled within this publication, and the epidemiological background is described. Consumers of dentistry services in Poland provide feedback concerning their behaviour and inclinations with regard to obtaining regular dentistry services. Information for potential investors includes market saturation, investment options and projected returns and growth potential of the market.
Dentistry services market in Poland 2015. Development forecasts for 2015-2020 provides informational support and assistance to a wide variety of business professionals, including: executives, managers and marketing specialists engaged at dentistry services, medical services and insurance companies, financial services and investment firms, potential investors and providers of dentistry supplies and equipment.
Table of Contents
Methodology 7
Executive summary 11
Overview of the Polish market of dental services in 2012-2020 14
Segments of the market 30
Organisation of dental care in Poland 35
Profiles of selected players on the dentistry services market 43
Epidemiology 58
Consumer behaviour 63
Medical tourism 71
List of graphs 76
List of tables 78
About PMR 80