Medical Tourism Market Report: 2015 Edition

52 pages report Published in
Publisher: Koncept Analytics

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Medical tourism is a high-growth industry driven by globalization and rising healthcare costs in developed countries. People prefer traveling to developing countries for treatments in order to save cost. More than forty countries in Asia, America, Africa and Eastern Europe are serving millions of medical tourists annually. International medical service providers are in continuous race to get accreditation from Joint Commission International (JCI).

Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and India are the major destinations in the Asian medical tourism market. Thailand is more popular among Western European medical tourists for cosmetic surgery. Singapore and India specialize in complex procedures with India having a cost advantage and Singapore a technology advantage. The most common categories of procedures that people pursue during medical tourism trips are cosmetic surgery, dentistry, cardiology (cardiac surgery), and orthopedic surgery.

The healthcare industry in Thailand has seen rapid growth in recent years, ahead of the country’s GDP. In Thailand, medical costs are lower than in Singapore and also, it is a much more popular tourist destination. In this regard it is providing medical services, latest medical technology, medicines, and is further strengthening modern medicine, alternative medicine and biotechnology.

The Malaysian government is aggressively promoting medical tourism. Through its Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia oversees tourism policies and tourism-related activities to realize its vision of making Malaysia an international tourism destination.

Indian government is aggressively promoting India as a global healthcare destination. It has also started giving affiliation to the companies working in healthcare sector. Being one of the lowest cost and highest quality of all medical tourism destinations, it offers wide variety of procedures at about one-tenth the cost of similar procedures in the US.

The Korean government is promoting the nation’s growing medical tourism industry and is actively taking initiatives that are mainly geared to introduce the services and facilities of Korean hospitals to overseas expositions. However, Korea has yet to increase its standing among other Asian nations.

This report gives an overview of the medical tourism industry with focus on Asia. It discusses the major medical tourist destinations like Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, India, South Korea and Turkey and their respective competitive advantages. The major healthcare organizations in Asia are also profiled in the later part of the report.

Table of Contents

1. Market Overview
1.1 Medical Tourism Industry Structure

2. Medical Tourism - Market Analysis
2.1 Global Medical Tourism Market
2.2 Asian Medical Tourism Market
Market Value
Foreign Patients Inflow
2.2.1 Thailand
Market Value
Foreign Patients Inflow
Breakdown by Procedures
2.2.2 Singapore
Market Value
Foreign Patients Inflow
Foreign Patients by Nationality
2.2.3 Malaysia
Market Value
Foreign Patients Inflow
Foreign Patients by Nationality
2.2.4 India
Market Value
Foreign Patients Inflow
Foreign Patients by Nationality
Breakdown by Procedures
2.2.5 Korea
Market Value
Foreign Patients Inflow
Foreign Patients by Nationality
Breakdown by Procedures
2.2.6 Turkey
Market Value
Foreign Patients Inflow

3. Market Dynamics
3.1 Growth Drivers
3.1.1 Low Cost and High Saving
3.1.2 Services and Accommodations
3.1.3 Quality Checks
3.1.4 Availability and Access
3.1.5 Tourism and Leisure
3.1.6 Growing Elderly Population
3.1.7 GDP Contribution
3.2 Key Trends
3.2.1 International Certification
3.2.2 Government Initiatives
3.3 Challenges
3.3.1 Language and Cultural Barrier
3.3.2 No Legal Recourse
3.3.3 Selection Criteria
3.3.4 Ignorance towards Home Citizens
3.3.5 Association between Safety, Health and Travel
3.3.6 Social and Economic Factors
3.4 Significant Developments
3.4.1 Singapore
3.4.2 Malaysia
3.4.3 Thailand
3.4.4 Indonesia

4. Competitive Landscape
Market Capitalization
Operational Bed Growth
Market Share of Private Healthcare

5. Company Profiles
5.1 Raffles Medical Group
5.1.1 Business Overview
5.1.2 Financial Overview
5.1.3 Business Strategies
5.2 Bumrungrad Hospital
5.2.1 Business Overview
5.2.2 Financial Overview
5.2.3 Business Strategies
5.3 IHH Healthcare Berhad
5.3.1 Business Overview
5.3.2 Financial Overview
5.3.3 Business Strategies
5.4 KPJ Healthcare Berhad
5.4.1 Business Overview
5.4.2 Financial Overview
5.4.3 Business Strategies

List of Tables

Global Medical Tourism Destinations
Top 5 Medical Tourists by Nationality in Thailand (2010-2014)
Medical Cost Chart (in %) vs. US (100%)
IHH Berhad, Hospital Division Statistics (2014)
KPJ Healthcare Berhad, Hospital Division Statistics (2015)

List of Charts

Medical Tourism Industry
Medical Tourism - Service Network
Global Medical Tourism Market Value (2004-20015)
Medical Procedures –Average Saving Rate v/s US
Asian Medical Tourism Market (2013-2017E)
Number of Foreign Patients in Asia (2009-2015E)
Medical Tourism Market Value, Thailand (2008-2014)
Number of Foreign Patients in Thailand (2008-2014)
Breakdown of Health Procedures Used by International Patients (2014E)
Medical Tourism Market Value, Singapore (2007-2014)
Number of Foreign Patients in Singapore (2009-2014)
Geographic Breakdown of Medical Tourists Arriving in Singapore (2014E)
Medical Tourism Market Value, Malaysia (2007-2014)
Number of Foreign Patients in Malaysia (2009-2014)
Geographic Breakdown of Medical Tourists Arriving in Malaysia (2014E)
Medical Tourism Market Value, India (2006-2015E)
Number of Foreign Patients in India (2011-2015E)
Geographic Breakdown of Medical Tourists Arriving in India (2014E)
Segmentation of Medical Tourism Procedures in India (2014E)
Medical Tourism Market Value, South Korea (2009-2020E)
Number of Foreign Patients in South Korea (2009-2015E)
Breakdown of Procedures Used by Foreign Patients (2014E)
Medical Tourists in Korea by Geography (2014E)
Medical Tourism Market Value, Turkey (2008-2014)
Number of Foreign Patients in Turkey (2008-2014)
Life Expectancy and Fertility Rates of Population (1990-2025E)
Global GDP (2005-2013)
Number of Hospitals with JCI Accreditation by Countries
Market Capitalization and Top Line Growth Rates (2014E - 2015E)
YoY and CAGR Growth Rate in Operational Beds (2014 - 2017E)
Private Sector Market Share, Singapore (2014E)
Private Sector Market Share, Malaysia (2014E)
Private Sector Market Share, Turkey (2014E)
Raffles Medical’s Revenue Share by Segments (2014)
Raffles Medicals’ Revenues and Net Profits (2010-2014)
Revenue Breakdown by Patients Bumrungrad Hospital (2014)
Revenue Contribution by Patients (2014)
Bumrungrad Hospitals’ Revenues and Net Profits (2010 - 2014)
IHH Healthcare Berhads’ Revenues and Net Income (2010-2014)
KPJ Healthcare Berhads’ Revenues and Net Income (2010-2014)

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