World: Antibiotics – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020

0 pages report Published in
Publisher: IndexBox

arrowFor This Report

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the global antibiotics market. It presents the latest data of the market size and volume, domestic production, exports and imports, price dynamics and turnover in the industry. The report shows the sales data, allowing you to identify the key drivers and restraints. You can find here a strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market. Forecasts illustrate how the market will be transformed in the medium term. Profiles of the leading companies and brands are also included.

Countries coverage:

Product coverage:
Penicillin and their derivatives with a penicillin acid structure, streptomycin and their derivatives, tetracycline and their derivatives, chloramphenicol and its derivatives, erythromycin and its derivatives and other antibiotics and salts thereof of all the above. These products should be understood as organic compounds (they belong to HS chapter 29), not ready to be used as pharmaceutical products/medicaments. In this sense, the products making up the code 35250-3 are distinct from medicaments containing them.

Data coverage:
– Market volume and value
– Volume and dynamics of domestic production
– Structure of production by commodity groups
– Structure of production by regions
– Key market players and their profiles
– Volume and dynamics of exports/imports
– Producer prices, import/export prices
– Trade structure and channels
– Factors influencing the market
– Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term
– Per Capita Consumption

Why buy this report?
– Get the full picture of the market
– Assess future market prospects
– Identify Key success factors on the market
– Adjust your marketing strategy

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Report Description
1.2 Research Methodology

2. Executive Summary
2.1 Key Findings
2.2 Market Trends

3. Market Overview
3.1 Market Value
3.2 Consumption by Regions and Countries
3.3 Market Opportunities by Countries
3.4 Market Forecast To 2020

4. Production
4.1 Production in 2007-2014
4.2 Production by Regions and Countries

5. Imports
5.1 Imports in 2007-2014
5.2 Imports by Regions and Countries
5.3 Import Prices by Countries

6. Exports
6.1 Exports in 2007-2014
6.2 Exports by Regions and Countries
6.3 Export Prices by Countries

7. Profiles of Major Manufacturers

Appendix 1: Production, Trade and Consumption by Countries
Appendix 2: Trade and Prices by Countries
Appendix 3: Direction of Trade Between Major Producers and Consumers

List of Tables

Table 1: Key Findings
Table 2: Market Volume - in Physical Terms, 2007-2014
Table 3: Market Value - in USD, 2007-2014
Table 4: Per Capita Consumption, by Country
Table 5: Comparison of Consumption, Production and Imports, by Country
Table 6: Production of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Table 7: Production of Antibiotics, in Value Terms, by Country, 2007-2014

Table 8: Imports of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Table 9: Imports of Antibiotics, in Value Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Table 10: Exports of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Table 11: Exports of Antibiotics, in Value Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Table 12: Production, Trade and Consumption of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, by Country, 2009-2014
Table 13: Trade of Antibiotics and Prices, by Country, 2009-2014
Table 14: Direction of Trade of Antibiotics Between Major Producers and Consumers, in Physical Terms, 2014

List of Figures

Figure 1: Market Volume - in Physical Terms, 2007-2014
Figure 2: Market Value - in USD, 2007-2014
Figure 3: Consumption, by Country
Figure 4: Net Imports in Terms of Volume, Growth and Share
Figure 5: Market Forecast To 2020
Figure 6: Production of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, 2007-2014
Figure 7: Production of Antibiotics, in Value Terms, 2007-2014
Figure 8: Production of Antibiotics, by Region, 2014
Figure 9: Production of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Figure 10: Imports of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, 2007-2014
Figure 11: Imports of Antibiotics, in Value Terms, 2007-2014
Figure 12: Imports of Antibiotics, by Region, 2014
Figure 13: Imports of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Figure 14: Import Prices of Antibiotics, by Country, 2007-2014
Figure 15: Exports of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, 2007-2014
Figure 16: Exports of Antibiotics, in Value Terms, 2007-2014
Figure 17: Exports of Antibiotics, by Region, 2014
Figure 18: Exports of Antibiotics, in Physical Terms, by Country, 2007-2014
Figure 19: Export Prices of Antibiotics, 2007-2014

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