Sudan and South Sudan Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Report Q2 2015

63 pages report Published in
Publisher: Business Monitor International

arrowFor This Report

BMI View: Access to healthcare in Sudan and South Sudan is poor and drug shortages are commonplace.
The state is also heavily reliant on importing its medicines, though over the long-term we believe this
reliance will decrease as the government is committed to developing domestic pharmaceutical production.
Headline Expenditure Projections
? Pharmaceuticals: SDG2.06bn (USD353mn) in 2014 to SDG2.37bn (USD387mn) in 2015; +15.0% in
local currency terms and +9.8% in US dollar terms. Forecast revised upwards from Q115.
? Healthcare: SDG20.31bn (USD3.48bn) in 2014 to SDG22.85bn (USD3.73bn) in 2015; +12.5% in local
currency terms and +7.4% in US dollar terms. Forecast revised upwards from Q115.

Table of Contents

BMI Industry View 7
Political 10
Economic 11
Operational Risk 12
Industry Forecast 14
Pharmaceutical Market Forecast 14
Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019) 19
Healthcare Market Forecast 20
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019) 22
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019) 23
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019) 23
Macroeconomic Forecasts 24
Economic Analysis 24
Table: Economic Activity (Sudan 2010-2019) 27
Industry Risk Reward Indicies 28
Middle East And Africa Risk/Reward Index 28
Sudan Risk/Reward Index 36
Rewards 36
Risks 36
Market Overview 38
Industry Trends And Developments 40
Regulatory Development 44
Regulatory Regime 44
Demographic Forecast 47
Sudan Demographic Forecast 47
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Sudan 1990-2025) 48
Table: Key Population Ratios (Sudan 1990-2025) 48
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Sudan 1990-2025) 49
Table: Population By Age Group (Sudan 1990-2025) 49
Table: Population By Age Group % (Sudan 1990-2025) 50
South Sudan Demographic Forecast 52
Table: Population Headline Indicators (South Sudan 1990-2025) 53
Table: Key Population Ratios (South Sudan 1990-2025) 53
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (South Sudan 1990-2025) 54
Table: Population By Age Group (South Sudan 1990-2025) 54
Table: Population By Age Group % (South Sudan 1990-2025) 55
Glossary 57
Methodology 59
Pharmaceutical Expenditure Forecast Model 59
Healthcare Expenditure Forecast Model 59
Notes On Methodology 60
Risk/Reward Index Methodology 61
Index Overview 62
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators 62
Indicator Weightings 63

List of Tables

Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019)
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019)
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019)
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Sudan 2011-2019)
Table: Economic Activity (Sudan 2010-2019)
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Key Population Ratios (Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group (Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group % (Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Population Headline Indicators (South Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Key Population Ratios (South Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (South Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group (South Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group % (South Sudan 1990-2025)
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators

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