Stem Cell Research Products – Opportunities, Tools, and Technologies
Claim this global strategic report to understand unique product opportunities by stem cell type, derive more revenue from products sold to stem cell scientists, and identify new product development opportunities before the competition. Use the “Survey of Stem Cell Scientists” to understand technical requirements, unmet needs, and purchasing preferences of stem cell researchers worldwide.
This report explores unique market opportunities by stem cell type, including mesenchymal stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, embryonic stem cells, neural stem cells, and more.
The Market for Stem Cell Research Products
Stem cells are primitive cells found in all multi-cellular organisms that are characterized by self-renewal and the capacity to differentiate into any mature cell type. Several broad categories of stem cells exist, including:
- Embryonic stem cells, derived from blastocysts
- Perinatal stem cells, obtained during the period immediately before and after birth
- Adult stem cells, found in adult tissues
- Induced pluripotent stem cells, produced by genetically reprogramming adults cells
- Cancer stem cells, which give rise to clonal populations of cells that form tumors or disperse in the body
Stem cell research and experimentation have been in process for well over five decades, as stem cells have the unique ability to divide and replicate repeatedly. In addition, their “unspecialized” nature allows them to differentiate into a wide variety of specialized cell types.
In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate into all of the specialized embryonic tissues. In adult organisms, stem and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing specialized cells.
Traditionally, scientists have worked with both embryonic and adult stem cells as research tools. While the appeal of embryonic cells has been their ability to differentiate into any type of cell, there has been significant ethical, moral and spiritual controversy surrounding their use for research purposes. Although some adult stem cells do have differentiation capacity, it is often limited in nature, which results in fewer options for use.
Thus, when induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were produced from mouse cells in 2006 by Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan, they represented a promising combination of adult and embryonic stem cell characteristics. By 2007, a series of follow-up experiments were done at Kyoto University in which human adult cells were transformed into iPSC cells. Nearly simultaneously, a research group led by James Thomson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison accomplished the same feat of deriving iPSC lines from human somatic cells.
The possibilities arising from these characteristics have resulted in great commercial interest, with potential applications ranging from the use of stem cells in reversal and treatment of disease, to targeted cell therapy, tissue regeneration, pharmacological testing on cell-specific tissues, and more. Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and spinal cord injuries are examples of conditions for which clinical applications involving stem cells could offer benefits in halting or even reversing adverse effects.
Also of interest to clinical researchers is the potential to use stem cells in regenerative medicine. Additionally, the ability to use stem cells to improve drug target validation and toxicology screening is of intense interest to the pharmaceutical industry.
At this time, the following account for the majority of stem cell research:
- Basic Research – Understanding stem cell mechanisms and behavior
- Regenerative Medicine – Reversal of injury or disease
- Drug Target Validation and Drug Delivery – Treatment of disease
- Toxicology Screening – Drug safety and efficacy assessment
To facilitate research resulting from interest in these potential far-ranging applications, a large and growing stem cells research products market has emerged.
Large companies selling stem cell research products include:
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- BD Biosciences, a Division of Becton Dickinson
- Merck KGaA
- Miltenyi Biotec
- STEMCELL Technologies
- Lonza Group
- Clontech (a Takara Bio Company)
- GE Healthcare Life Sciences.
While several of these dominant market players have utilized acquisition strategies to grow and capture market share, Merck KGaA has had a particularly strong commitment to this approach, acquiring several other massive major players within the stem cell research products marketplace, including Milllipore on February 26, 2010, for $7.2 billion, and Sigma-Aldrich on September 22, 2014, for $17 billion. Dozens of mid-sized suppliers of stem cell research products also exist, as well as over 100 small specialty providers.
Currently, the following compose the majority of stem cell research product sales worldwide:
- Primary antibodies to stem cell antigens
- Bead-based stem cell separation systems
- Fluorescent-based labeling and detection
- Stem cell protein purification and analysis tools
- Tools for DNA and RNA-based characterization of stem cells
- Isolation/characterization services
- Stem cell culture media and reagents
- Stem cell specific growth factors and cytokines
- Tools for stem cell gene regulation
- Stem cell services and mechanisms for in vivo and in vitro stem cell tracking
- Expansion/differentiation services for stem cell media and RNAi
- Stem cell lines
Currently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are one of the fastest growing areas of stem cell research, with more than 25,000 scientific publications published about the cell type and more than 400 clinical trials underway worldwide. Importantly, 2015 was the first year in history that mesenchymal stem cells surpassed hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) for the most scientific publications of any stem cell type. In addition, Google Trend data shows MSC searches to be approximately twice as common as the next most popular stem cell type.
MSCs also being explored for use in 3D printing applications, because of their unique capacity to form structural tissues. In particular, there will be a demand for companies to supply MSC populations for use in 3D printing inks.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are also an interesting area of stem cell research, with Japan committing to being a market leader in this area. In the past year, Japan has accelerated its position as a hub for regenerative medicine research, largely driven by support from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who has identified regenerative medicine and cellular therapy as key to the Japan’s strategy to drive economic growth.
The Prime Minister has encouraged a growing range of collaborations between private industry and academic partners through an innovative legal framework. Most importantly to the stem cell research products marketplace, Japan’s Education Ministry said it is planning to spend 110 billion yen ($1.13 billion) on induced pluripotent stem cell research during the next 10 years, and the Japanese parliament has been discussing bills that would “speed the approval process and ensure the safety of such treatments.”
Utilization of other stem cell types in research settings continue as well, with hematopoietic stem cells being explored for their broad therapeutic applications, neural stem cells being explored for their ability to address unmet medical needs, and adipose-derived stem cells catching the interest of the research community because of the increasing prevalence of orthopedic doctors who are using these cells for musculoskelal applications, an area that the FDA has begun to tightly regulate.
Key report findings include:
- Market size determinations, with 5-year projections for the stem cell research products market (2016-2020)
- Year-over-year analysis of stem cell grant rates, patent rates, clinical trial rates, and scientific publication rates
- Stem cell funding sources, trends, and amounts (domestic and international)
- Stem cell research applications, including priorities by segment
- Relative demand for stem cell products, by stem cell type
- Breakdown of stem cell product categories
- Competitive analysis of leading stem cell research product companies
- Online trends for stem cells, including Google Trends and Google Adwords
- Social analytics for stem cells, including activity on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and more
- Communications strategies for accessing the marketplace
- End-user survey of stem cell scientists
Competing within the stem cell marketplace can involve complicated and confusing decisions, but it doesn’t have to. Claim this report to reveal the current and future needs of your customer base, so you can focus your marketing efforts on profitable products, in promising research areas, within lucrative markets.
Input Sources
The content and statistics contained in this report were compiled using a broad range of sources. These input sources include:
- Stem Cell Grant Funding Database (RePORT Database, CIRM, MRC, Wellcome Trust – UK)
- Stem Cell Patent Database (United States Patent and Trade Office, World Intellectual Property Organization)
- Stem Cell Clinical Trial Database (, International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, European Union Clinical Trials Register )
- Stem Cell Scientific Publication Database (PubMed, Highwire Press, Google Scholar)
- Stem Cell Product Launch Announcements (Trade Journals, Google News)
- Stem Cell Industry Events (Google News, Google Alerts)
- Stem Cell Company News (SEC Filings, Investor Publications, Historic Performance)
- International Surveys (Electronically Distributed End-User Surveys)
- And More
Table of Contents
I. Abstract
II. Purpose
A. Survey Recent Stem Cell Research Product Advancements
B. Provide a “Snapshot” of the Global Stem Cell Research Products Market
C. Assess Opportunities for Commercialization
D. Identify Major Market Players and Assess the Competitive Environment
E. Identify Existing and Emerging Trends
F. Identify Critical Opportunities and Threats within the Marketplace
III. Research Methodology
A. Input Sources
B. Research & Analysis Methodologies
C. Criteria for Identifying Market Leaders
1. Size of Company
2. Type of Product/Services
3. Degree of Specialization
4. Patent Positions
5. Business Reputation
6. Financial Strength
7. Partnerships
8. Certifications
IV. Key Events In The Development Of Stem Cell Research Products
V. Types Of Stem Cells
A. Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESC)
1. Early, 5-7 days (Totipotent)
2. Gonadal Ridge, 6 months (Pluripotent)
B. Fetal Stem Cells (Pluripotent)
C. Umbilical Cord Stem Cells (Multipotent)
1. Cord Blood
2. Cord Matrix (“Wharton’s Jelly”)
D. Adult Stem Cells (multipotent)
1. Hematopoietic Stem Cells
2. Mesenchymal Stem Cells
3. Neural Stem Cells
4. Dental Stem Cells
5. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
E. Cancer Stem Cells (Multipotent)
F. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)
VI. Stem Cell Research Applications
A. Basic Research
B. Regenerative Medicine (Cell-Based Therapies)
1. Diabetes Mellitus
2. Cardiovascular Disease
3. Neurological Disease
4. Autoimmune Disease
5. Hematopoietic Transplantation Research
6. Orthopedic Repair
7. Cancer Research
8. Birth Defect Research
C. Drug Discovery & Development
1. Assays to Aid Early Stage Discovery
2. Improved Prediction of Human Responses
3. Drug Development with Humanized Mouse Models
4. Genetically-Engineered Stem Cell Lines for Screening
5. Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines for Target Validation and Drug Screening
6. Summary - Use of Stem Cells within Drug Discovery & Development
VII. Key Competitors In The Stem Cell Research Products Marketplace
A. Thermo Fisher Scientific (Includes Life Technologies, Invitrogen, and Other Major Brands)
1. Acquisitions
2. Collaborations
a. Invitrogen and Cellartis AB
b. Invitrogen and Novocell
c. Invitrogen and the Buck Institute
d. Life Technologies and Cellular Dynamics International (CDI)
e. Life Technologies and iPS Academia Japan
f. Life Technologies and Harvard University
g. Life Technologies and DNAVEC Corporation
h. ToolGen, Inc. and Thermo Fisher Scientific Sign License Agreement for CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing Technology
i. SYGNIS grants non-exclusive license on Double Switch Technology to Thermo Fisher Scientific
B. BD Biosciences (Division of Becton, Dickinson and Company)
1. Acquisitions
2. Collaborations
a. BD Biosciences and STEMCELL Technologies Sign License Agreements with WARF
b. Other Licensing Deals
C. Merck KGaA
1. Acquisitions
a. Acquisition of Sigma Aldrich for $17 Billion
b. Other Acquisitions
2. Collaborations
D. Miltenyi Biotec
1. Acquisitions
2. Collaborations
E. Stemcell Technologies
1. Acquisitions
2. Collaborations
VIII. Stem Cell Product Areas
A. Stem Cell Product Categories, by Type
1. Primary Antibodies
2. Bead-based Cell Separations Systems
3. Fluorescent-based Labeling and Detection
4. Protein Purification and Analysis Tools
a. Protein Purification
b. Stem Cell Protein Analysis
c. Quantitative Proteomics
5. DNA/RNA Based Characterization
a. Tools for DNA- and RNA-based Characterization
b. Stem Cell HLA Typing
c. Stem Cell Nucleic Acid Extraction and Purification, and Associated PCR/qRT-PCR Reagents
6. Isolation / Characterization Services
a. Stem Cell HLA Typing Services
b. Stem Cell Custom Services
c. Stem Cell Custom Antibodies
7. Stem Cell Culture Media and Reagents
8. Growth Factors and Cytokines
9. Stem Cell Gene Regulation
10. In vivo / In vitro Stem Cell Tracking
11. Expansion & Differentiation Services
a. Stem Cell Media Services
b. RNAi Services
12. Stem Cell Lines
IX. Emerging Areas Of Stem Cell Research
A. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)
B. Cord Blood Stem Cells
C. Dental Pulp Stem Cells
D. Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Storage
A. Definitions
B. Methodology
1. Roll-up all competitor sales (“Gold Standard”)
2. Use a weighted analysis of industry leaders (“Silver Standard”)
3. Survey customers for how much they spend in the market (“Bronze Standard”)
C. Market Size Estimations
D. Five-Year Market Size Projections (2016-2020)
XI. Market Trend Analysis
A. Clinical Trial Analysis
1. Clinical Trial Analysis, by Year
2. Clinical Trial Data, by Region
3. Clinical Trial Analysis, by Stem Cell Type
B. Grant Analysis
C. Patent Analysis
1. Stem Cell Patents, by Year
2. Stem Cell Patents, by Type
D. Scientific Publication Rate Analysis
1. Historical Data
2. Future 5-Year Projections
3. Comparison of Stem Cell Research Frequency, by Cell Type
4. Percentage of Stem Cell Research, by Cell Type (Trailing 12-Months)
E. Funding of Stem Cell Initiatives
1. National Institute of Health (NIH) Funding of Stem Cells
2. State Stem Cell Funding
3. Private Stem Cell Funding
XII. Scientist Panel: Detailed End-User Survey
A. Survey Overview
B. Characterization of Market Survey Respondents
1. Geographic Distribution of Respondents
2. Respondent Breakdown by Industry Affiliation
3. Breakdown of Respondents by Duration of Stem Cell Research Activity
C. Survey Findings – General Scope
D. Survey Findings – Applied Stem Cell Research
E. Survey Findings – Comparison of Providers (Brand Preferences)
F. Survey Conclusions and Analysis
XIII. Strategies For Accessing The Marketplace
A. Top Research Institutions Performing Stem Cell Research
1. University of Wisconsin, including WARF, WiCell, and the WISC Bank
2. U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
3. California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
4. Riken Center
5. Kyoto University
B. Top Countries for Stem Cell Research
C. Events of Interest
XIV. Social Analytics For Stem Cells
A. Marketing Cost Analysis for Stem Cells – Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Analysis
B. Stem Cell Articles Receiving Most Social Media Shares over Past 12 Months
C. Google Trend Data for Stem Cells
1. Google Trend Data – Mesenchymal Stem Cells
2. Google Trend Data - All Types of Stem Cells
D. Twitter Hashtag Data
E. Top Five Stem Cell Influencers on Twitter
XV. Conclusions
Appendix A. Top 10 Influencers for Stem Cells
List of Tables
Table. Use of Stem Cells within Drug Development and Discovery
Table. Stem Cell Product Categories, by Type
Table. Number of Matrigel™ Publications Per Year
Table. Companies Offering Dental Stem Cell Storage
Table. Companies Offering Adipose-Derived Storage
Table. Revenue Estimations by Market Segment (Full-Year 2015)
Table: Size of the Stem Cell Research Products Market, 5-Year Projections
Table. Number of Stem Clinical Trials, by Year
Table: Patent Analysis, by Stem Cell Type (Title Search Only, All Results to Date)
Table: RePORT Analysis of Grant Rates per Year (Historical 10-Year Analysis)
Table: Analysis of Patent Rates per Year (Historical 10-Year Analysis)
Table: Patent Analysis, by Stem Cell Type (Title Search Only)
Table: Stem Cell Scientific Publications, by Year
Table. Comparison of Stem Cell Publication Rates, by Stem Cell Type (5-Year Historical)
Table: Percentage of Scientific Publication, By Stem Cell Type
Table. Stem Cell Funding by Year Provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health
Table. U.S. States Supporting Stem Cell Research
Table: State Government Support for Stem Cell Research ($ millions)
Table. Private Donor Support for Stem Cell Research
Table. Stem Cell Conferences and Events
Table: Google Adwords Price-Per-Click for All Stem Cells” Terms
Table: Google Adwords Price-Per-Click for Singular “Stem Cells” Terms
Table: Google Adwords Price-Per-Click for Plural “Stem Cells” Terms
Table: Most Shared Stem Cell Articles of the Past 12 Months (All Stem Cell Types)
Table: Google Trend Data Showing Related Searches for “Stem Cells”
Table: Rates of Twitter Usage by Country
Figure: Top 10 Hashtags Related to “#StemCells” on Twitter
Table: Top 10 Hashtags Related to the Term “#StemCells” on Twitter
Table: Top 5 Stem Cell Influencers on Twitter
List of Figures
Figure. Use of Stem Cells within Drug Development and Discovery
Figure. Number of Matrigel™ Publications Per Year
Figure. Number of iPSC Clinical Trials, by Year
Figure. Number of iPSC Grants, by Year
Figure . Number of iPSC Scientific Publications, by Year
Figure. Comparison of Umbilical Cord Blood vs. Umbilical Cord Tissue
Figure. Number of Clinical Trials with “Cord Blood” in Description
Figure. Number of Grants Contraining “Cord Blood”
Figure. Analysis of Scientific Publications Containing “Cord Blood”
Figure. Breakdown of the Global Stem Cell Research Products Market, by Segment
Figure. Size of the Stem Cell Research Products Market, by Year
Figure. Number of Stem Clinical Trials, by Year
Figure. Stem Cell Clinical Trials, by Region of the World (All Time)
Figure: Patent Analysis, by Stem Cell Type
Figure: RePORT Analysis of Grant Rates per Year (Historical 10-Year Analysis)
Figure: Number of Stem Cell Patents per Year (Historical 10-Year Analysis)
Figure: Number of Stem Cell Patents per Year, 5-Year Projections (2016-2020)
Figure: Patent Analysis, by Stem Cell Type (Title Search Only)
Figure: Stem Cell Scientific Publications, by Year
Figure: Stem Cell Scientific Publications, by Year - 5-Year Projections (2016=2020)
Figure. Year-over-Year Comparison of Stem Cell Publication Rates, by Stem Cell Type
Figure: Percentage of Scientific Publication, By Stem Cell Type
Figure: Google Adwords Price-Per-Click for Term “Stem Cells” (Plural Version)
Figure: Google Adwords Price-Per-Click for Term “Stem Cell” (Singular Version)
Figure: Comparison of Google Trend Data for “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” vs. “Mesenchymal Stem Cells over a 10-Year History
Figure: Google Trend Data for “Stem Cells” over a 10-Year History
Figure: Google Trend Data for All Types of Stem Cells over a 5-Year History Source: Google
Figure: Google Trend Data Showing Regional Interest in Stem Cells over a 5-Year History
Figure: Google Trend Data Showing City-by-City Interest in “Stem Cells” over a 5-Year History