Rx-OTC Switch Opportunities : Trends in OTC, category analysis, case studies and future opportunities
After years of buoyant growth, the pharmaceutical industry is facing up to a more challenging time. With the growing cost of developing novel drugs, combined with rising regulatory pressures, the use of lifecycle management is playing an ever-more important role in the increasingly cost-conscious pharma industry. This report identifies actual opportunities in OTC switching.
Key Findings
- The pharmaceutical market is changing. Since 2007, sales of OTC drugs have outstripped those for their prescription counterparts. Whereas once consumer health products were seen as a lucrative sideline, they are becoming a major focus for pharmaceutical companies. Between 2008 and 2013, worldwide OTC growth averaged 6.5% compared to 4.5% for Rx.
- Creating new categories can be fraught with risk. This was shown by the attempts of GSK to introduce the weight-loss therapy area with its Alli (orlistat 60mg capsules). After a promising start, sales collapsed due to concerns over both efficacy and safety.
- With a large and rapidly expanding population, Indonesia is catching the eye of Western multinationals in a number of industries. Within the pharma industry, self-medication is well established and these drugs account for 40% of drug spending.
This report takes an in-depth look at the market for Rx-OTC switches. It considers which categories have the most potential for switching, analyzing both past performance and expected future outcomes, and then examines specific candidates.
Reasons To Buy
- Identify products that have the most Rx-OTC switching potential.
- Analyze the product categories that are changing the Rx-OTC environment.
- Understand why some key Rx-OTC switches have failed.
- Use case studies to assess the revenues generated by successful switches.
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