Research and Development Forecast of Orthopedic Device Market in China, 2015-2020

73 pages report Published in
Medical Devices
Publisher: Huidian Research

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In recent years, the market scale of prostheses, artificial organs and implantable (interventional) device industry is enlarging constantly and industry revenue keeps growing rapidly. Statistics suggest: by the end of 2014, the market scale was CNY 9.23 billion in China, up 21.93% over 2013, as shown in the following fig.:

Fig.9: Sales Revenue of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Device Industry, 2010-2014

Statistics suggested: in 2010, the profit of prostheses, artificial organs and implantable (interventional) medical devices industry was CNY 720 million; by the end of 2014, the industry profit was CNY 1.81 billion, the profit level was improved continually, as shown in the following fig.:

Fig.10: Profit of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Devices Industry in China, 2010-2014

In recent years, with the development of prostheses, artificial organs and implantable (interventional) medical device industry in China, the number of loss-making enterprises is reducing constantly, as shown in the following fig.:

Fig.11: Loss of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Device Industry in China, 2010-2014

In recent years, the profitability level of prostheses, artificial organs and implantable (interventional) medical devices industry in China is improved continually. By the end of 2014, the industry gross profit rate was 50.36%. As shown in the following fig.:

Fig.12: Gross Profit Rates of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Devices Industry, 2010-2014

The debt-paying ability of prostheses, artificial organs and implantable (interventional) medical devices industry in China is improved constantly. Statistics suggested: by the end of 2014, the industry’s debt to assets ratio was 44.25%. Shown as in the following figure:

Fig.43: Debt to Assets Ratio of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Device Industry, 2010-2014

Table of Contents

1. Overview of Orthopedic Device Industry
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Development History

2. Environment Analysis of Orthopedic Device Industry in China
2.1 Economic Environment
2.1.1 Development Status
2.1.2 GDP in China
2.1.3 Fixed Asset Investment
2.2 Social Environment
2.3 Policy Environment
2.3.1 Industry Supervision Status
2.3.2 Industry Supervision System
2.3.3 National Industry Policies

3. Market Development of Orthopedic Device Industry in China
3.1 Development Status Quo
3.1.1 Market Scale
3.1.2 Market Segments
3.1.3 Market Characteristics
3.1.4 Categories of Medical Materials Implanted Into Human Body in China
3.1.5 Technical Versatility
3.2 Economic Operation
3.2.1 Market Scale of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Device Industry, 2010-2014
3.3.2 Profit of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Devices Industry, 2010-2014
3.2.3 Loss of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Devices Industry, 2010-2014
3.2.4 Profitability Level of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Devices Industry, 2010-2014
3.2.5 Debt-Paying Ability of Prostheses, Artificial Organs and Implantable (Interventional) Medical Devices, 2010-2014
3.3 Market Competition Pattern and Trend
3.4 Business Model
3.5 Upstream and Downstream Development
3.6 Periodicity, Regionality and Seasonality
3.6.1 Periodicity
3.6.2 Regionality
3.6.3 Seasonality

4. Imports and Exports of Orthopedic Devices in China
4.1 Imports & Exports of Devices Used for Orthopedics or Bone Fracture
4.2 Imports & Exports of Artificial Joint Products

5. Key Orthopedic Device Enterprises in China
5.1 Johnson & Johnson (China) Investment Ltd.
5.1.1 Company Profile
5.1.2 Business Performance
5.1.3 Future Development
5.2 Medtronic, Inc.
5.2.1 Company Profile
5.2.2 Business Performance
5.2.3 Mergers and Acquisitions
5.2.4 Future Development
5.3 Stryker Corporation
5.3.1 Company Profile
5.3.2 Business Performance
5.3.3 Acquire Trauson Holdings
5.4 Trauson Holdings
5.4.1 Company Profile
5.4.2 Business Performance
5.4.3 Future Development
5.5 China Kanghui Holdings
5.5.1 Company Profile
5.5.2 Business Performance
5.5.3 Competitiveness
5.6 Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Company Limited
5.6.1 Company Profile
5.6.2 Business Performance
5.6.3 Sales and Marketing Promotion
5.6.4 Business Review and Prospect
5.7 Xian Airfoil Technology Co., Ltd.
5.7.1 Company Profile
5.7.2 Main Products and Processing Technology
5.7.3 Business Performance
5.7.4 Management Ability
5.8 LINK Orthopedics (China) Co., Ltd.
5.8.1 Company Profile
5.8.2 Production Equipment, Technology and Production Capacity
5.8.3 Future Development
5.9 Changzhou BIOMET Medical Device Co., Ltd.
5.9.1 Company Profile
5.9.2 Main Products
5.9.3 Business Performance
5.10 Beijing Montagne Medical Device Co., Ltd.
5.10.1 Company Profile
5.10.2 Business Performance
5.10.3 Competitiveness
5.11 Tianjin Walkman Biomaterial Co., Ltd.
5.11.1 Company Profile
5.11.2 Business Performance
5.11.3 Competitiveness
5.12. Suzhou Xinrong Best Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
5.12.1 Company Profile
5.12.2 Business Performance
5.12.3 Competitiveness
5.12.4 Future Development

6. Development Forecast and Recommendations on Improving Competitiveness of Orthopedic Device Industry, 2015-2020
6.1 Development Forecast
6.2 Countermeasures and Suggestions on Improving Industrial Competitiveness
6.2.1 National Policy Support and Protection
6.2.2 Self-strength Improvement of Enterprises

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