Ovarian Cancer – Pipeline Review, H1 2015

1530 pages report Published in
Publisher: Global Markets Direct

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Global Markets Direct’s, ‘Ovarian Cancer – Pipeline Review, H1 2015′, provides an overview of the Ovarian Cancer’s therapeutic pipeline.

This report provides comprehensive information on the therapeutic development for Ovarian Cancer, complete with comparative analysis at various stages, therapeutics assessment by drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type, along with latest updates, and featured news and press releases. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Ovarian Cancer and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects.

Global Markets Direct’s report features investigational drugs from across globe covering over 20 therapy areas and nearly 3,000 indications. The report is built using data and information sourced from Global Markets Direct’s proprietary databases, Company/University websites, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources, put together by Global Markets Direct’s team. Drug profiles/records featured in the report undergoes periodic updation following a stringent set of processes that ensures that all the profiles are updated with the latest set of information. Additionally, processes including live news & deals tracking, browser based alert-box and clinical trials registries tracking ensure that the most recent developments are captured on a real time basis.

The report enhances decision making capabilities and help to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage. It strengthens R&D pipelines by identifying new targets and MOAs to produce first-in-class and best-in-class products.

Note*: Certain sections in the report may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data for the indicated disease.


  • The report provides a snapshot of the global therapeutic landscape of Ovarian Cancer
  • The report reviews key pipeline products under drug profile section which includes, product description, MoA and R&D brief, licensing and collaboration details & other developmental activities
  • The report reviews key players involved in the therapeutics development for Ovarian Cancer and enlists all their major and minor projects
  • The report summarizes all the dormant and discontinued pipeline projects
  • A review of the Ovarian Cancer products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources
  • Pipeline products coverage based on various stages of development ranging from pre-registration till discovery and undisclosed stages
  • A detailed assessment of monotherapy and combination therapy pipeline projects
  • Coverage of the Ovarian Cancer pipeline on the basis of target, MoA, route of administration and molecule type
  • Latest news and deals relating related to pipeline products

Reasons to buy

  • Provides strategically significant competitor information, analysis, and insights to formulate effective R&D development strategies
  • Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and create effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage
  • Develop strategic initiatives by understanding the focus areas of leading companies
  • Identify and understand important and diverse types of therapeutics under development for Ovarian Cancer
  • Plan mergers and acquisitions effectively by identifying key players of the most promising pipeline
  • Devise corrective measures for pipeline projects by understanding Ovarian Cancer pipeline depth and focus of Indication therapeutics
  • Develop and design in-licensing and out-licensing strategies by identifying prospective partners with the most attractive projects to enhance and expand business potential and scope
  • Modify the therapeutic portfolio by identifying discontinued projects and understanding the factors that drove them from pipeline

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Introduction 11
Ovarian Cancer Overview 12
Therapeutics Development 13
Ovarian Cancer - Therapeutics under Development by Companies 15
Ovarian Cancer - Therapeutics under Investigation by Universities/Institutes 35
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline Products Glance 40
Ovarian Cancer - Products under Development by Companies 43
Ovarian Cancer - Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes 69
Ovarian Cancer - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development 73
Ovarian Cancer - Therapeutics Assessment 305
Drug Profiles 341
Ovarian Cancer - Recent Pipeline Updates 1048
Ovarian Cancer - Dormant Projects 1445
Ovarian Cancer - Discontinued Products 1467
Ovarian Cancer - Product Development Milestones 1473
Appendix 1484

List of Tables

Number of Products under Development for Ovarian Cancer, H1 2015 58
Number of Products under Development for Ovarian Cancer - Comparative Analysis, H1 2015 59
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 61
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..1) 62
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..2) 63
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..3) 64
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..4) 65
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..5) 66
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..6) 67
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..7) 68
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..8) 69
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..9) 70
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..10) 71
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..11) 72
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..12) 73
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..13) 74
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..14) 75
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..15) 76
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..16) 77
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..17) 78
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..18) 79
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 81
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 (Contd..1) 82
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 (Contd..2) 83
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 (Contd..3) 84
Comparative Analysis by Late Stage Development, H1 2015 85
Comparative Analysis by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2015 86
Comparative Analysis by Early Stage Development, H1 2015 87
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 88
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..1) 89
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..2) 90
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..3) 91
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..4) 92
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..5) 93
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..6) 94
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..7) 95
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..8) 96
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..9) 97
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..10) 98
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..11) 99
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..12) 100
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..13) 101
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..14) 102
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..15) 103
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..16) 104
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..17) 105
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..18) 106
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..19) 107
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..20) 108
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..21) 109
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..22) 110
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..23) 111
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..24) 112
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 (Contd..25) 113
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 114
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 (Contd..1) 115
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 (Contd..2) 116
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 (Contd..3) 117
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by 3-V Biosciences, Inc., H1 2015 118
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite Srl, H1 2015 119
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by AbbVie Inc., H1 2015 120
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Abeona Therapeutics, Inc. , H1 2015 121
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by AbGenomics International, Inc., H1 2015 122
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Acceleron Pharma, Inc., H1 2015 123
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Adaptimmune Limited, H1 2015 124
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Aduro BioTech, Inc., H1 2015 125
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Advanced Accelerator Applications SA, H1 2015 126
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Advantagene, Inc., H1 2015 127
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Advaxis, Inc., H1 2015 128
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Advenchen Laboratories, LLC, H1 2015 129
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Aeterna Zentaris Inc., H1 2015 130
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Agilvax, Inc., H1 2015 131
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Alchemia Limited, H1 2015 132
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Alethia Biotherapeutics Inc., H1 2015 133
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Almac Discovery Limited, H1 2015 134
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Ambrx, Inc., H1 2015 135
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Amgen Inc., H1 2015 136
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Amorfix Life Sciences Ltd., H1 2015 137
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Anavex Life Sciences Corp., H1 2015 138
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Angstrom Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 139
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by ANP Technologies, Inc., H1 2015 140
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Aphios Corporation, H1 2015 141
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Aposense Ltd., H1 2015 142
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Aprea AB, H1 2015 143
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by arGEN-X BV, H1 2015 144
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Armour Therapeutics Inc., H1 2015 145
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Arog Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 146
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Array BioPharma Inc., H1 2015 147
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Arrien Pharmaceuticals, LLC, H1 2015 148
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Ascenta Therapeutics, Inc., H1 2015 149
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Astellas Pharma Inc., H1 2015 150
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Astex Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 151
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by AstraZeneca Plc, H1 2015 152
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc., H1 2015 153
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by ATLAB Pharma SAS, H1 2015 154
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by AVAX Technologies, Inc., H1 2015 155
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 156
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Avipep Pty Ltd, H1 2015 157
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Azaya Therapeutics Incorporated, H1 2015 158
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, H1 2015 159
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Bavarian Nordic A/S, H1 2015 160
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Bayer AG, H1 2015 161
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by BioCancell Ltd, H1 2015 162
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc., H1 2015 163
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by BioMoti Limited, H1 2015 164
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Bionomics Limited, H1 2015 165
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by BioNovion B.V., H1 2015 166
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 167
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Bioo Therapeutics, H1 2015 168
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Biscayne Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 169
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, H1 2015 170
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Boston Biomedical, Inc., H1 2015 171
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, H1 2015 172
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Caladrius Biosciences, Inc. , H1 2015 173
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Calithera Biosciences, Inc., H1 2015 174
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by CASI Pharmaceuticals Inc., H1 2015 175
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Cavion LLC, H1 2015 176
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by cCAM Biotherapeutics Ltd., H1 2015 177
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Celgene Corporation, H1 2015 178
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Celldex Therapeutics, Inc., H1 2015 179
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Cellectar Biosciences, Inc., H1 2015 180
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc., H1 2015 181
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Celon Pharma Sp. z o.o., H1 2015 182
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Celsion Corporation, H1 2015 183
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Celyad, H1 2015 184
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Ceronco Biosciences, H1 2015 185
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Cerulean Pharma, Inc., H1 2015 186
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Chikujee Therapeutics, H1 2015 187
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Chipscreen Biosciences Ltd, H1 2015 188
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Clevexel Pharma SAS, H1 2015 189
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Clovis Oncology, Inc., H1 2015 190
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Cold Genesys, Inc., H1 2015 191
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Critical Outcome Technologies Inc., H1 2015 192
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by CritiTech, Inc., H1 2015 193
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by CTI BioPharma Corp., H1 2015 194
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Curis, Inc., H1 2015 195
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 196
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by CytRx Corporation, H1 2015 197
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by CZ BioMed Corp, H1 2015 198
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited, H1 2015 199
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, LLC, H1 2015 200
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by DEKK-TEC, Inc., H1 2015 201
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Eisai Co., Ltd., H1 2015 202
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Eli Lilly and Company, H1 2015 203
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Endocyte, Inc., H1 2015 204
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by EntreChem, S.L., H1 2015 205
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Epirus Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 206
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Esperance Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2015 207
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Exelixis, Inc., H1 2015 208
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., H1 2015 209
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Fortress Biotech, Inc., H1 2015 210
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Fujifilm Corporation, H1 2015 211
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Galena Biopharma, Inc., H1 2015 212
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Galileo Research s.r.l., H1 2015 213
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by GamaMabs Pharma S.A., H1 2015 214
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Ganymed Pharmaceuticals AG, H1 2015 215
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Genentech, Inc., H1 2015 216
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Generex Biotechnology Corporation, H1 2015 217
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Genmab A/S, H1 2015 218
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by GlaxoSmithKline Plc, H1 2015 219
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., H1 2015 220
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by GlycoNex Inc., H1 2015 221
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Glycotope GmbH, H1 2015 222
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by GP Pharm, S.A., H1 2015 223
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Gradalis Inc., H1 2015 224
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc., H1 2015 225
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Heat Biologics, Inc., H1 2015 226
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc., H1 2015 227
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Huabo Biopharm Co., Ltd., H1 2015 228
Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline by Ignyta, Inc., H1 2015 229

List of Figures

Number of Products under Development for Ovarian Cancer, H1 2015 58
Number of Products under Development for Ovarian Cancer - Comparative Analysis, H1 2015 59
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2015 60
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2015 80
Comparative Analysis by Late Stage Development, H1 2015 85
Comparative Analysis by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2015 86
Comparative Analysis by Early Stage Products, H1 2015 87
Assessment by Monotherapy Products, H1 2015 350
Assessment by Combination Products, H1 2015 351
Number of Products by Top 10 Targets, H1 2015 352
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Targets, H1 2015 352
Number of Products by Top 10 Mechanism of Actions, H1 2015 370
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Mechanism of Actions, H1 2015 370
Number of Products by Top 10 Routes of Administration, H1 2015 381
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Routes of Administration, H1 2015 381
Number of Products by Top 10 Molecule Types, H1 2015 383
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Molecule Types, H1 2015 384

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