Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Control Markets: Disinfection, Area, Sterilization, Device Sterilization, Testing-C.diff, Testing-MRSA, Treatments
Infections from activities and procedures taking place within a healthcare facility have become a cause for great concern. These infection may occur in a postoperative wound or as a complication unrelated to the disease or condition. This report, Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Control Markets: focuses on the market opportunities for companies that can assist hospitals and other healthcare facilities with important HAI mitigation tasks including: preventing, testing and treating infections in the healthcare environment.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around 1 in 20 or 5% of hospitalized patients will contract an HAI. Worldwide, the rate of nosocomial infections is between 3.5% and 12% of admissions in developed regions. This is driving the demand for products and services. The report focuses on three areas: Prevention, Testing and Treatment and will provide a market analysis for each of the important segments:
- Disinfection
- Wide-Area Sterilization
- Device Sterilization
- HAI Testing – C.diff
- HAI Testing – MRSA
- HAI Testing – Others
- HAI Treatment –Antibiotic Products
For each larger segment (Prevention, Testing and Treatment) company market share is provided. For each larger segment (Prevention, Testing, Treatment) regional market share is provided for the following countries and regions: US, Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Africa, India, Rest of World.
Market analysis in this report considers primarily the epidemiological considerations and the size patient groups both in the United States and globally, where available. We have accumulated the most recent data available, understanding that virtually no organization does extensive studies on these applications on a regular basis. Many studies are highly localized and may only apply to a community, state or country (more often countries that are not a part of the majormarkets for nosocomial diagnostic and therapeutic products). In many instances, we have had to draw from broader epidemiologic data, that is, on data that reach outside of the hospital and primary care environment in order to construct a picture of the infection prevention, testing and treatment needs.
As part of the report’s coverage, the following trends are discussed:
- Nosocomial Infection Statistics
- Affordable Care Act (ACA) Funding
- Populations at Risk for Infection
- Infection Risk Assessments by Hospital Department
- Increased Hospital Length of Stay for HAIs
- International Trends in Nursing Facilities
- U.S. Government’s National Plan to Prevent Healthcare
- Government Funding for HAI Prevention Infrastructure Activities
- Israel Reduction in HAIs
- Arizona Prevention Study
- Connecticut Funding for HAI Prevention and Reporting
- Pennsylvania Study of HAI Admissions and Readmissions
- Infections and Drug Resistance
- Screening Trends
- Trends in Partnerships and Alliances
- Current Burden of HAI Statistics
The analysis presented in this report is based on data from a combination of company, government, industry, institutional and private sources. It includes information from extensive literature reviews and discussions with experts in the field, including microbiologists, pathologists, hospital authorities, reimbursement specialists, research scientists, business development managers and marketing managers. The following companies are profiled in this report:
- Advanced Sterilization Products
- Becton, Dickinson and Company
- Belimed
- bioMerieux
- Cantel
- Cepheid
- Getinge Group
- Kimberly-Clark
- Merck & Co
- Nordion
- Pfizer
- Roche
- Sakura Seiki
- Steris
- Tso3
Table of Contents
One: Executive Summary
The Nosocomial Infection
Scope and Methodology
Total Size and Growth of the Market
Issues and Trends Affecting Market
Leading Competitors
Two: Introduction And Industry Trends
Introduction to Pathogens
Classification of Antibacterial Organisms
Patient Risk Factors
General Infection Statistics
Populations at Risk for Infection
Demographics of the World
Life Expectancy
Nosocomial Infection Statistics
Common Hospital (nosocomial) Infections
Description of Infections
Infection Risk Assessments by Hospital Department
Burn Units
Intensive Care Units
Emergency Departments
Hospital Length of Stay
Increased Hospital Length of Stay for HAIs
Extended Stay Environments
Home Healthcare Services
International Trends in Nursing Facilities
Economic Trends
Comparison Between Healthcare Spending and Real Health Outcomes
U.S. Government's National Plan to Prevent Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs)47
Steering Committee
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Funding
Government Funding for HAI Prevention Infrastructure Activities
National Healthcare Safety Network
U.S. Statewide Standardized Infection Ratio
Reduction in Hospital Acquired Infections
Reduction in Infections in Israel
Burden of Hospital Acquired Infections
Healthcare Infection Surveillance Process
Case Studies
Arizona Prevention Study
Connecticut Funding for HAI Prevention and Reporting
Pennsylvania Study of HAI Admissions and Readmissions
Infections and Drug Resistance
Easing Approvals of Antibiotics
Causes of Drug Resistance
Antibiotic Abuse
Antibiotic Use in Agriculture
Drug Resistance in Select Populations
The Elderly
Compromised Individuals
Measures for Reducing Resistance
Testing for the Selection of Anti-bacterial Therapy
Monitoring Therapy
Screening Hospitalized patients
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer and Marketer Trends
Trends in Partnerships and Alliances
Developers Trends
Three: Infection Prevention
Methods of Transmission
High-Risk Facilities or Departments
Technology Overview
Potential Use of Copper for Reducing Infections
Wide Area Disinfection Methods
Software for Infection Detection and Control
Antiseptic-Coated Catheters
UV-C Reflective Coatings
Specialized Disinfection/Sterilization Systems
Sterilization vs. Disinfection
Equipment and Solutions
Heat/Steam Sterilization
Chemical Sterilization
Mid-Level Disinfectants
Radiation Sterilization
Sterilization and Disinfection Verification Systems
Market Overview
Healthcare Infection Prevention Market by Geographical Region
Competitive Analysis
Four: Infection Testing
Drug-Resistance/Susceptibility Testing
Genotypic Methods
DNA Sequencing
Solid-phase Hybridization Techniques
Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Techniques
Phenotypic Methods
Phage-based Assays
Colorimetric Methods
The Nitrate Reductase Assay
Specific Serious Healthcare Infection Testing
Acinetobacter Baumannii
Clostridium Difficile
Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Staphylococcus Aureus
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
Vancomycin-Intermediate/Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (VISA/VRSA)
Urinary Tract Infections
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
New Developments
Market Overview
Total Market Size and Forecast
Healthcare Infection Testing Market by Geographical Region
Competitive Analysis
Five: Infection Treatment
Principles of Anti-bacterial Therapy
Infecting Organism
Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing
Site of Infection
Host Defenses and Organ Function
Antibiotic Pharmacokinetics
Monitoring Therapy
Classifications of Antibacterial Products
Treatment Guidelines
Clostridium Difficile
Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
Ventilator-associated Pneumonia
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Staphylococcus Aureus
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Urinary Tract Infections
Leading Products
New Developments
Total Market Size and Forecast
Healthcare Infection Treatment Market by Geographical Region
Competitive Analysis
Six: Market Opportunities For Healthcare Infection Control
Market Considerations
Market Overview
Healthcare Infection Control Market by Geographical Region
Developed and Emerging Market Analysis
Seven: Company Profiles
Advanced Sterilization Products
Company Performance
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Company Performance
Company Performance
Company Performance
Company Performance
Company Performance
Getinge Group
Company Performance
Company Performance
Merck & Co
Company Performance
Company Performance
Company Performance
Company Performance
Sakura Seiki
Company Performance
Company Performance
Appendix: List Of Major Providers
List of Exhibits
One: Executive Summary
Table 1-1 Frequency of the Most Common Nosocomial Infections
Table 1-2 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control 2008-2020
Figure 1-1 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control 2008-2020
Two: Introduction And Industry Trends
Table 2-1 World Population at Risk for Serious Bacterial Infections, Secondary toChronic Diseases by Selected Geographical Region, 2012-2013 Data
Figure 2-1 World Population at Risk for Serious Bacterial Infections, Secondary to Chronic Diseases by Selected Geographical Region, 2012-2013 Data
Table 2-2 World Population by Selected Geographical Region, 2010 - 2050
Figure 2-2 World Population by Selected Geographical Region, 2010–2050
Table 2-3 Estimated World Population by Age and Geographical Region, 2013
Figure 2-3 Estimated World Population by Age and Geographical Region, 2013
Table 2-4 Average Life Expectancy in Years by Country 1980 and 2012
Figure 2-4 Average Life Expectancy in Years by Country, 1980 and 2012
Figure 2-5 U.S. Hospital Admissions and Percent of Hospital-acquired Infections (HAIs)
Table 2-5 Burn Statistics
Table 2-6 U.S. Hospital Length of Stay, Average by Age Group
Table 2-7 Average International Length of Stay, by Country 2010
Figure 2-6 Number of Nursing Care Facilities (United States), 2000-2011
Table 2-9 Estimated Nursing Service Establishments and Care Centers by Country
Table 2-10 Total Healthcare Expenditures as a Percent of GDP by Country 2010 and 2012
Figure 2-7 Total Healthcare Expenditures as a Percent of GDP by Country 2010 and 2012
Table 2-11 Healthcare Spending, Obesity and Life Expectancy, 2012
Table 2-12 U.S. States ACA HAI Prevention Infrastructure Funding Awards, 2013
Table 2-13 U.S. States Hospital Acquired Infection Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR) 2010, 2011 and 2012
Table 2-14 Pennsylvania State Analysis of HAI Readmissions and Related Costs, 2010
Table 2-15 Pennsylvania State Analysis of HAIs, 2010
Three: Infection Prevention
Table 3-1 Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages of Chemical Agents Used as Chemical Sterilants1 or as High-Level Disinfectants
Table 3-2 Comparison of the Characteristics of Selected Chemicals Used as High-Level Disinfectants or Chemical Sterilants
Table 3-3 Comparison of the Characteristics of Selected Hospital Disinfectants for General Disinfection of Environmental Surfaces
Table 3-4 New Developments, Healthcare Infection Prevention
Table 3-5 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) 2008-2020
Figure 3-1 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) 2008-2020
Figure 3-2 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) Estimated Market Share by Type(Medical Disinfection, Wide-Area Room Sterilization,Medical Device Sterilization, Other), 2014
Table 3-6 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) Estimated Products Sales by Primary Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 3-3 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) Estimated Product Sales by Primary Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 3-4 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) Estimated Market Share by Region, 2014(US, Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil,Africa, India, ROW)
Figure 3-5 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) Rest of World Snapshot, Estimated 2014(US, Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil,Africa, India, ROW)
Table 3-7 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) Leading Suppliers’ Shares Estimates for 2014
Figure 3-6 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Prevention(Sterilization/Disinfection Segment) Leading Suppliers’ Shares Estimates for 2014
Four: Infection Testing
Table 4-1 Recent Approvals for Detecting Serious Healthcare Infections
Figure 4-1 HAI Test Approvals* in the U.S. by Year and Type, 2000-2013 (Staph/MRSA,C.diff, Others)
Table 4-2 New Developments, Healthcare Infection Testing, as of April 2014
Table 4-3 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics 2008-2020
Figure 4-2 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics 2008-2020
Figure 4-3 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics Estimated Market Share by Test Indication, 2014 (C.diff, MRSA, Other)
Table 4-4 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics Estimated Products Sales by Primary Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 4-4 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics Estimated Product Sales by Primary Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 4-5 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics Estimated Market Share by Region, 2014 (US, Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Africa, India, ROW)
Figure 4-6 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics Rest of World Snapshot, Estimated 2014 (Eastern Europe, Japan, Canada, China, Mexico,Brazil, Africa, India, ROW)
Table 4-5 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics Leading Suppliers’ Shares Estimates for 2014
Figure 4-7 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Testing/Diagnostics Leading Suppliers’ Shares Estimates for 2014
Five: Infection Treatment
Table 5-1 Treatment Options for Bacterial Infections (Type, Brand, and Manufacturer)
Table 5-2 Antibiotics with Difficult Penetration
Table 5-3 Annual Sales of Select Antibacterial Products 2013
Table 5-4 New Developments, Healthcare Infection Treatments, as of March 2014
Table 5-5 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment 2008-2020
Figure 5-1 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment 2008-2020
Table 5-6 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment Estimated Products Sales by Primary Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 5-2 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment Estimated Product Sales by Primary Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 5-3 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment Estimated Market Share by Region, 2014 (US, Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Africa, India, ROW)
Figure 5-4 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment Rest of World Snapshot, Estimated 2014 (US, Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan,Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Africa, India, ROW)
Table 5-7 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment Leading Suppliers' Shares Estimates for 2014
Figure 5-5 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Treatment Leading Suppliers' Shares Estimates for 2014
Six: Market Opportunities For Healthcare Infection Control
Table 6-1 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control 2008-2020
Figure 6-1 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control 2008-2020
Figure 6-2 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control Estimated Market Share by Segment, 2014
Table 6-2 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control Estimated Products Sales by Primary Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 6-3 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control Estimated Product Sales by Geographic Region 2008-2020
Figure 6-4 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control Estimated Market Share by Geographic Region, 2014
Figure 6-5 The World Market for Healthcare Infection Control Estimated Market Share by Region, 2014