Global In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Market Report: 2015 Edition
The diagnostic industry is widely classified into two types: In-vitro diagnostics and In-vivo diagnostics. In-vitro tests are executed in glass test tubes, while In-vivo diagnostics tests are executed inside a patient’s body. IVD products are indeed designed and produced for collecting samples derived from the patient’s body and scrutinizing them outside, which are commonly conducted in hospitals, clinics and labs and in personal settings. Apart from the application of IVDs in medical diagnosis and health screening such as checking blood of signs for infections, or urine for the presence of glucose, they are also used in genetic testing, genomics, veterinary diagnostics, food testing, environmental testing, and research.
As per the “Global IVD market report”, market segments such as blood glucose monitoring and clinical chemistry are relatively mature and stable. However, with growing personalized medical treatment trend, molecular diagnostics market is expected to grow significantly with strict regulatory measures.
The key factors driving the market growth apart from generic macro-economic factors include accelerating diabetic population, increasing sales of medical technological devices, increasing complexity of diseases, and development of cardiac troponin assays. Some of the noteworthy trends observed in the industry are newly growing vitamin D testing market, genome sequencing market, usage of companion diagnostics in oncology, and increased importance of diagnostics. However, the industry remains exposed to certain challenges such as narrow economic moats in diagnostic market, reimbursement issues in clinical laboratory services, laboratory-developed tests waning IVD profits, and government regulation for IVD tests and stringent in genetic based tests.
The report provides a comprehensive study of global in-vitro diagnostic market covering regional markets and major segments. The competition in the global in-vitro diagnostic market is highly amalgamated with large players like Abbott, Siemens, Roche and Johnson and Johnson. All these companies have been profiled in the present report highlighting their key financials and business strategies for their long term growth.
By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Table of Contents
1. Overview
1.1 Types of IVD Products
1.2 Types of IVD Tests
1.3 Market Segments
1.3.1 Technology Type
1.3.2 End-User Segmentation
1.4 Uses of IVDs
1.5 IVD Value Chain
2. IVD Market Analysis
2.1 Global Market
-Market Value
-Regional Breakdown
2.1.1 IVD Market by Technology Type
2.1.2 IVD Market by Product Type
2.1.3 IVD Market by Test Location
2.2 Molecular Diagnostics
2.2.1 Molecular Diagnostic Market by Test Category
2.3 Immunoassays
2.4 Regional Markets
2.4.1 Europe
-Market Value
-Market Share by Countries
2.4.2 China
3. Market Dynamics
3.1 Growth Drivers
3.1.1 Rising Global Healthcare Expense
3.1.2 Increasing Global Ageing Population
3.1.3 Accelerating Global Diabetic Population
3.1.4 Increasing Global Gross National Income
3.1.5 Increasing Sales of Medical Technological Devices
3.1.6 Increasing Complexity of Diseases
3.1.7 Development of Cardiac Troponin Assays
3.2 Key Trends
3.2.1 Vitamin D Testing Market – New Growing Segment
3.2.2 Illumina – Dominating the Genome Sequencing Market
3.2.3 Increased Importance of Diagnostics
3.2.4 Increased Usage of Companion Diagnostic in Oncology
3.3 Challenges
3.3.1 Diagnostic Market Containing Narrow Economic Moats
3.3.2 More Diagnostic Regulation in Genetic Based Tests
3.3.3 Laboratory-Developed Tests Waning IVD Profits
3.3.4 Government Regulation for IVD Tests
3.3.5 Coverage and Reimbursement of Clinical Laboratory Services
4. Competitive Landscape
4.1 Global Market
4.2 Competition by Segments
4.2.1 Clinical Chemistry
4.2.2 Blood Glucose Testing
4.2.3 Microbiology
4.2.4 Hematology and Flow Cytometry
4.2.5 Molecular Diagnostic
4.2.6 Immunoassay
4.2.7 Tissue Diagnostic
4.3 China
5. Company Profiles
5.1 Abbott Laboratories
5.1.1 Business Overview
5.1.2 Financial Overview
5.1.3 Business Strategies
5.2 Siemens AG
5.2.1 Business Overview
5.2.2 Financial Overview
5.2.3 Business Strategies
5.3 Roche Holdings AG
5.3.1 Business Overview
5.3.2 Financial Overview
5.3.3 Business Strategies
5.4 Johnson & Johnson
5.4.1 Business Overview
5.4.2 Financial Overview
5.4.3 Business Strategies
6. Market Outlook
6.1 Market Forecast
6.2 Forecast Methodology
6.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
6.2.2 Correlation Analysis
6.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Tables
IVD Market Key Players-by Segments
Country-wise Division of European IVD Market (2014)
Economic Moat Comparison by Healthcare Product Industry (2014)
Competitive Positioning in Molecular Diagnostic Segment (2014)
Dependent & Independent Variables (2009–2014)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary – Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
List of Charts
IVD Market Segments by Technology Type
IVD Market by End Users
IVD Value Chain Analysis in Medical Application
Global IVD Market Value (2009-2014)
Global IVD Market by Geography (2014)
Global In-Vitro Diagnostic Device Sales (2011-2014)
Global IVD Market Share by Technology Type (2014)
Global Clinical and Industrial In-Vitro Market Value (2011-2014)
Global Clinical IVD Market by Region (2014)
Global Clinical IVD Market by Technology Type (2014)
Global IVD Market Share by Product Type (2014)
Global IVD Instrumentation Market Share by Segment (2009-2015E)
Global IVD Market by Test Location (2014)
Global Molecular Diagnostic Market Value (2009-2018E)
Molecular Diagnostic Market Share by Test Category (2014)
Immunoassay Market Share by Clinical Areas (2014)
IVD Market Value in EU27+ EFTA (2009-2014)
IVD Market in Europe by Region (2013/2014)
IVD Market Share in Europe – by Countries (2014)
European IVD Market – by Countries (2014)
IVD Market Value in China (2009-2018E)
Global Healthcare Expenditure Per Capita (2009-2014E)
Global Aging Population Over 65 (2009-2014)
World Population with Diabetes, Age Group 20-79 years (2007-2014)
Global GDP - World & Regions (2009-2014)
Global GNI per Capita - World & Regions (2009-2014)
Global Medical Technology Sales (2005-2014)
Global IVD Market Share Breakdown by Company (2014)
Clinical Chemistry Market Share by Company (2014)
Blood Glucose Testing Market Share by Company (2014)
Microbiology Market Share by Company (2014)
Hematology and Flow Cytometry Market Share by Company (2014)
Hemostasis Market Share by Company (2014)
Molecular Diagnostic Market Share by Company (2014)
Immunoassay Market Share by Company (2014)
Immunoassay Infectious Disease Market Share by Company (2014)
Immunoassay Hepatitis/Retrovirus Market Share by Company (2014)
Immunoassay GI Stool Testing Market Share by Company (2014)
Immunoassay Onco/Endocrino-logy Market Share by Company (2014)
Immunoassay Nucleic Acid Test Market Share by Company (2014)
Tissue Diagnostic Market Share by Company (2014)
IVD Market Share by Company in China (2014E)
Abbott Laboratories Revenue Share by Business Segments (2014)
Abbott Laboratories Revenue and Net Income (2009-2014)
Siemens Revenue Share by Business Segments (2015)
Siemens Revenue and Net Income (2010-2015)
Roche’s Revenue Share by Business Segments (2014)
Roche’s Revenue and Net Income (2009-2014)
Revenue Share of Johnson & Johnson’s by Business Segments (2014)
Revenues and Net Income of Johnson & Johnson (2009-2014)
Global In Vitro Diagnostics Market Value Forecast (2013-2020F)