Global Extremities Market Report: 2015 Edition
The human skeleton is typically comprised of 206 bones joined and upheld by ligaments, tendons and muscles. Because of the diversity and the specific nature of each bone or joint, the orthopedic industry has had to develop dedicated implants and related ancillaries. Prior center of the orthopedic business was focused on expansive joints, hip, knee and spine and it is just in the late times that the extremities market has earned some acknowledgment primarily on the grounds that it offers better treatment and in addition solid development opportunities.
Extremity market forms a subset of joint reconstruction, which is again a subset of orthopedic industry. It can be sub-divided into two categories: lower and upper extremities, where lower extremities mainly involve ankle, foot and upper extremities involve shoulder, hand, elbow, and wrist. Shoulder replacement is the largest segment among all in the extremities market, followed by foot and ankle segment.
The extremity segment holds a minimal share in the global orthopedic market as of now, mainly because the focus has been on large joints like spine, knee and hip. The extremities market is developing at the quickest rate among all sections of the orthopedics business. The market is projected to grow further in the years ahead and become specialized due to economic, social and demographic trends. Development of the industry will be driven by expanding frequency of joint pain, rising maturing populace, diabetic patients, combined with mechanical headways and thorough endeavors of makers to instruct specialists and making tolerant mindful of these items and their advantages. The progressing mergers and acquisitions and advancement of inventive extremity gadgets, emergence of startups and inserts are the key patterns seen in this industry.
This report analyzes the development of the global extremities market, with a focus on its segments including: upper extremity and lower extremity. The global market as well as the US market is being discussed in the report. The major trends, growth drivers as well as issues being faced by the industry are being presented in this report. The four major players in the industry, Johnson & Johnson, Stryker, Zimmer and Wright Medical are being profiled, along with their key financials and strategies for growth.
By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Table of Contents
1. Market Overview
1.1 Orthopedics Industry Overview
1.2 Extremities Industry Overview
1.2.1 Extremity Injuries
1.2.2 Extremity Products
2. Market Value
2.1 Global Orthopedic Market
Market Value
Market Segments
Regional Breakdown
2.2 Global Extremities Market
Market Value
Growth Rate
2.3 The US Extremities Market
Market Value
Growth Rate
Market Volume by Segments
Shoulder Implants by Type
Ankle Procedures by Type
3. Market Dynamics
3.1 Growth Drivers
3.1.1 Interest in Sports Activities
3.1.2 Rising Demand for Top Sports
3.1.3 Ageing Population Worldwide
3.1.4 Rising Healthcare Expenditure
3.1.5 Increasing Prevalence of Diabetes
3.1.6 Growing Cases of Obesity
3.1.7 Economic Growth
3.2 Key Trends
3.2.1 Startups to Help Cut Cost and Augment Care
3.2.2 Improved Surgical Devices and Implants
3.2.3 Rising Popularity of Robotic Assisted Arthroscopy
3.2.4 Mergers & Acquisitions
3.3 Challenges
3.3.1 Absence of Trained Healthcare Professionals
3.3.2 Stringent Regulations
3.3.3 High Costs of Implants and New Technology
3.3.4 Declining Reimbursement Rates
4. Competitive Landscape
Global Market Share
US Market Share
Shoulder Implant
Ankle Replacement
5. Company Profiles
5.1 Johnson & Johnson
5.1.1 Business Overview
5.1.2 Financial Overview
5.1.3 Business Strategies
5.2 Stryker
5.2.1 Business Overview
5.2.2 Financial Overview
5.2.3 Business Strategies
5.3 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
5.3.1 Business Overview
5.3.2 Financial Overview
5.3.3 Business Strategies
5.4 Smith & Nephew
5.4.1 Business Overview
5.4.2 Financial Overview
5.4.3 Business Strategies
6. Market Outlook
6.1 Market Forecast
6.2 Forecast Methodology
6.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
6.2.2 Correlation Analysis
6.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Tables
The US Ankle Replacement Market by Procedure Volume (2012-2014)
Conversion to Robotically Assisted Surgeries
List of Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
Global Extremity Market Competition by Revenue (2010-2014)
The US Extremity Market Competition by Revenue (2010-2014)
Dependent & Independent Variables (2010-2014)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary – Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
List of Charts
Orthopedics Market- by Segments
Orthopedic Industry Value Chain
Global Orthopedics Market (2010-2014)
Global Orthopedic Implant Segment Share (2014)
Global Orthopedic Market Sales by Geography (2014)
Global Extremities Market Revenue (2010-2014)
Global Extremities Market Growth (1Q2011-3Q2014)
The US Extremity Market (2010-2016E)
The US Extremity Market Quarterly Sales (1Q2010-2Q2015)
The US Extremity Market by Procedure Volume (2011-2014)
The US Extremity Market Procedure Volume YoY Growth (2013-2014)
Mix of Shoulder Implants in the US (2008-2014)
The US Ankle Procedures Market YoY Growth by Procedure Volume and Value (2013-2014)
Ageing Population Worldwide (2009-2014)
Global Healthcare Expenditure (2009-2014)
World Population with Diabetes (2009-2014)
Global Obese Population (2009-2014)
Global GDP Growth (2009-2014)
Global Orthopedic Market by Manufacturer (2014)
Global Extremity Market Competition by Market Share (2013-2014)
The US Extremity Market Competition by Market Share (2013-2014)
The US Shoulder Market Share (2014)
The US Reverse Shoulder Market Share (2014)
The US Ankle Replacement Market Share (2014-2015E)
Johnson & Johnson Revenue by Business Segment (2014)
Johnson & Johnson Revenue by Region (2014)
Johnson & Johnson Revenue and Net Earnings (2010-2014)
Stryker's Revenue by Business Segment (2014)
Stryker's Revenue by Region (2014)
Stryker's Revenue & Net Earnings (2010-2014)
Zimmer's Sales by Product Category (2014)
Zimmer's Sales by Geographic Segment (2014)
Zimmer's Net Sales and Net Earnings (2010-2014)
Smith & Nephew's Revenue by Business Segment (2014)
Smith & Nephew's Revenue by Region (2014)
Smith & Nephew's Revenue and Net Profit (2010-2014)
Global Extremities Market Outlook (2014-2018E)