Global Brain Stroke Market Report: 2015 Edition
Brain Stroke is one of the most common types of neurovascular disease in which either a clot blocks restricts supply of blood to the brain (ischemic) or blood vessels in the brain rupture (hemorrhagic). The vascular diseases affect normal functioning of the veins and arteries that constitute circulatory system of a human body generally in the form of blockage or rupture. The ruptures are usually headed by the formation of an aneurysm which is an unusual bulge or ballooning in the vessels of blood. They are formed when part of an artery wall weakens permitting the vessel to widen abnormally or balloon. It becomes difficult to predict an aneurysm before it ruptures, leading to existence of several un-ruptured aneurysms.
The treatment market of brain stroke has experienced several shifts in the recent years with increasing volume of endovascular treatments globally. As a result market for aspiration catheters and stent retrievers market is also expected to see future growth. The market for endovascular therapies will see further innovations and growth whereas the market for brain aneurysm is relatively homogeneous, consistent and composed of small coil products.
Increasing diabetic population globally, growing ageing population, increasing obese population, increasing cigarette and tobacco consumption, rising healthcare expenditure, increasing GDP of economies are some of the significant factors driving the growth of brain stroke market. However, growth of the market is hindered by certain challenges including shortcomings in the drug treatment for brain stroke, shortage of stroke specialists in the U.S., and entry threats for small companies in medical device industry. The recent trends include introduction of early detection devices and non-invasive brain stimulations and shift in the treatment model of brain stroke.
The report, “Global Brain Stroke Market” analyzes the currently prevailing condition of the market along with its future scope of development. The global market along with specific markets of the U.S., Europe and Japan are discussed in the report. The major trends, growth drivers as well as issues being faced by the industry are being presented in this report. The major players in the industry are being profiled, along with their key financials and strategies for growth.
Table of Contents
1. Overview
1.1 Definition of Brain Stroke
1.2 Types of Brain Strokes
1.3 Risk Factors for Brain Stroke
1.3.1 Uncontrollable Factors
1.3.2 Controllable Factors
1.4 Symptoms of Brain Stroke
1.5 Diagnosis of Brain Stroke
1.6 Treatment Options for Brain Stroke
1.6.1 Ischemic Stroke Treatment
1.7 Brain Aneurysms
1.7.1 Types of Aneurysms
2. Global Brain Stroke Market Analysis
Market Value
2.1 Global ELVO Stroke Market
Market Value
Regional Share
2.1.1 Aspiration Catheter Market
2.1.2 Stent Retriever Market
2.2 Global Brain Aneurysm Market
Market Value
Regional Share
3. Regional Markets
3.1. The U.S.
Stroke Prevalence by Type
3.1.1 The U.S. ELVO Stroke Market
ELVO Market Value & Volume
Aspiration Catheter Market Value & Volume
Stent Retriever Market Value & Volume
3.1.2 The U.S. Brain Aneurysm Market
Market Value
Coil Market
3.2. Europe
-Stroke Prevalence
3.2.1 European ELVO Stroke Market
ELVO Market Value & Volume
Aspiration Catheter Market Value & Volume
Stent Retriever Market Value & Volume
3.2.2 European Brain Aneurysm Market
Market Value
3.3 Japan
Aspiration Catheter Market Value
3.3.1 Japanese Brain Aneurysm Market
Market Value
4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.1.1 Increasing Cigarette and Tobacco Consumption
4.1.2 Escalating Diabetic Population Worldwide
4.1.3 Rising Healthcare Expenditure
4.1.4 Increasing Obese Population
4.1.5 Growing Ageing Population
4.1.6 Rising Global GDP
4.2 Key Trends and Developments
4.2.1 Shift in Stroke Treatment Paradigm
4.2.2 Introduction of Early Detection Devices for Stroke
4.2.3 Introduction of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulations
4.3 Challenges
4.3.1 Entry Threats for Small Companies in Medical Device Industry
4.3.2 Shortage of Stroke Specialists in the U.S.
4.3.3 Numerous Shortcomings in tPA Drug Treatment
5. Competitive Landscape
5.1 Global Brain Stroke Market
5.2 The U.S. Brain Stroke Market
5.3 Brain Stroke Market outside the U.S.
6. Company Profiles
6.1 Medtronic Inc.
6.1.1 Business Overview
6.1.2 Financial Overview
6.1.3 Business Strategies
6.2 Stryker Corporation
6.2.1 Business Overview
6.2.2 Financial Overview
6.2.3 Business Strategies
6.3 Johnson & Johnson
6.3.1 Business Overview
6.3.2 Financial Overview
6.3.3 Business Strategies
6.4 Penumbra, Inc.
6.4.1 Business Overview
6.4.2 Financial Overview
6.4.3 Business Strategies
List of Tables
J&J’s R&D Expenses by Segment (2013 & 2014)
List of Charts
Types of Brain Strokes
Types of Aneurysms
Global Brain Stroke Market (2014-2020E)
Global Endovascular Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke Market (2014-2020E)
Global ELVO Stroke Market by Regions (2014/2015E)
Global Aspiration Catheter Market (2014-2020E)
Global Stent Retriever Market (2014-2020E)
Global Brain Aneurysm Market (2014-2020E)
Global Brain Aneurysm Market Share by Region (2014)
The U.S. Stroke Prevalence (2014-2020E)
The U.S. Stroke Prevalence by Category (2014-2020E)
The U.S. ELVO Stroke Market by Value & Volume (2014-2020E)
The U.S. Aspiration Catheter Market by Value & Volume (2014-2020E)
The U.S. Stent Retriever Market by Value & Volume (2014-2020E)
The U.S. Brain Aneurysm Prevalence (2014-2020E)
The U.S. Brain Aneurysms Market (2014-2020E)
The U.S. Brain Aneurysm Coil Market (2014-2020E)
European Stroke Prevalence by Category (2014-2020E)
European ELVO Stroke Market by Value & Volume (2014-2020E)
European Aspiration Catheter Market by Value & Volume (2014-2020E)
European Stent Retriever Market by Value & Volume (2014-2020E)
European Brain Aneurysm Prevalence (2014-2020E)
European Brain Aneurysm Market (2014-2020E)
Japanese Aspiration Catheter Market (2014-2019E)
Japanese Brain Aneurysm Market (2014-2020E)
Global Cigarettes Consumption (1910-2014)
Global Diabetic Population (2007-2014E)
Global Healthcare Expenditure Per Capita (2009-2014E)
Global Obese Population (2009-2014)
Global Ageing Population Over 65 (2009-2014)
Global Gross Domestic Product Growth (2009-2014)
Global Brain Aneurysm Market Share by Company (2014)
The U.S. Brain Stroke Market Share by Company (2014)
The U.S. Brain Aneurysm Market Share by Company (2014)
Brain Stroke Market Share by Company outside the U.S. (2014)
Brain Aneurysm Market Share by Company outside the U.S. (2014)
Medtronic Net Sales by Business Segment (2014)
Medtronic Net Sales (2010-2014)
Stryker’s Net Sales by Business Segments (2014)
Stryker’s Net Sales (2010-2014)
Johnson & Johnson Revenue by Business Segments (2014)
Johnson & Johnson Revenue and Net Income (2010-2014)
Penumbra Inc., Revenue by Business Segments (2014)
Penumbra Product Portfolio for Neurovascular Segment
Penumbra Inc., Revenue (2013-2017E)
Penumbra Inc., Net Income/Loss (2012-2017E)