Egypt Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Report Q4 2015

135 pages report Published in
Publisher: Business Monitor International

arrowFor This Report

BMI View: Egypt’s pharmaceutical market presents one of the most attractive investment destinations for
multinational drugmakers in the MENA region. A large market size and population, coupled with an
improved political and economic outlook, support our positive outlook for Egypt.
Headline Expenditure Projections
? Pharmaceuticals: EGP29.50bn (USD4.17bn) in 2014 to EGP33.08bn (USD4.24bn) in 2015; +12.1% in
local currency terms and 1.7% in US dollar terms. Forecast upgraded from Q315.
? Healthcare: EGP98.31bn (USD13.88bn) in 2014 to EGP109.66bn (USD14.04bn) in 2015; +11.6% in
local currency terms and 1.2% in US dollar terms. Forecast in line with Q315.

Table of Contents

BMI Industry View 7
Political 11
Economic . 12
Operational Risk 14
Industry Forecast 16
Pharmaceutical Market Forecast 16
Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 17
Healthcare Market Forecast 18
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 19
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 20
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 20
Prescription Drug Market Forecast . 20
Table: Prescription Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 22
Patented Drug Market Forecast . 22
Table: Patented Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 24
Generic Drug Market Forecast 24
Table: Generic Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 26
OTC Market Forecast 26
Table: Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medicine Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019) 28
Pharmaceutical Trade Forecast . 29
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2013-2019) 31
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts local currency (Egypt 2013-2019) 31
Key Risks To BMI's Forecast Scenario 32
Macroeconomic Forecasts 34
Expenditure Breakdown 36
Table: GDP By Expenditure (Egypt 2012-2019) 41
Industry Risk Reward Indices 42
Middle East and Africa Risk/Reward Index 42
Egypt Risk/Reward Index 49
Rewards . 49
Risks 49
Market Overview 51
Industry Trends And Developments 52
Epidemiology 52
Communicable Diseases 53
Non-Communicable Disease 55
Healthcare Sector . 56
Private Healthcare Sector . 58
Healthcare Financing 59
Healthcare Insurance . 60
Table: Healthcare Resources (Egypt 2009-2014) 62
Table: Healthcare Personnel (Egypt 2009-2014) 62
Table: Healthcare Activity (Egypt 2009-2014) 63
Research & Development . 63
Clinical Trials . 65
Regulatory Development 66
Medicines Registration 66
Regional Harmonisation 67
Counterfeit Medicines 67
Intellectual Property . 68
Pricing Regime 69
Reimbursement Regime . 71
Watch List Status 71
Competitive Landscape . 74
Pharmaceutical Industry 74
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Joint Ventures, 2012 75
Domestic Pharmaceuticals Sector 76
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Affiliated Companies, 2012 77
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Financial Indicators, FY 2006/2007-FY2010/2011 (EGPmn) 78
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Net Operating Revenue by Affiliate, FY 2010/2011 (EGPmn) 78
Table: Wholly Or Partially Owned Egyptian Pharmaceutical And Medical Device Companies By Parent Group 80
Foreign Pharmaceuticals Sector 80
Recent Industry Developments 82
Pharmaceutical Wholesale 84
Pharmaceutical Retail 86
Herbal And OTC Medicine 87
Company Profile 88
Amoun Pharmaceutical Company (APC) . 88
AstraZeneca . 91
Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Co (EIPICO) 93
GlaxoSmithKline 97
Medical Union Pharmaceuticals (MUP) . 101
Merck . 105
Misr Pharmaceuticals 108
Novartis . 110
Pfizer . 113
Sanofi . 116
South Egyptian Drug Industries (SEDICO) 119
Demographic Forecast 124
Demographic Outlook 124
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Egypt 1990-2025) 125
Table: Key Population Ratios (Egypt 1990-2025) 125
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Egypt 1990-2025) 126
Table: Population By Age Group (Egypt 1990-2025) 126
Table: Population By Age Group % (Egypt 1990-2025) 127
Glossary . 129
Methodology 131
Pharmaceutical Expenditure Forecast Model 131
Healthcare Expenditure Forecast Model 131
Notes On Methodology 132
Risk/Reward Index Methodology 133
Index Overview 134
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators 134
Indicator Weightings 135

List of Tables

Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Prescription Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Patented Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Generic Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medicine Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2011-2019)
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts (Egypt 2013-2019)
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts local currency (Egypt 2013-2019)
Table: GDP By Expenditure (Egypt 2012-2019)
Table: Healthcare Resources (Egypt 2009-2014)
Table: Healthcare Personnel (Egypt 2009-2014)
Table: Healthcare Activity (Egypt 2009-2014)
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Joint Ventures, 2012
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Affiliated Companies, 2012
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Financial Indicators, FY 2006/2007-FY2010/2011 (EGPmn)
Table: HOLDIPHARMA's Net Operating Revenue by Affiliate, FY 2010/2011 (EGPmn)
Table: Wholly Or Partially Owned Egyptian Pharmaceutical And Medical Device Companies By Parent Group
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Egypt 1990-2025)
Table: Key Population Ratios (Egypt 1990-2025)
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Egypt 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group (Egypt 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group % (Egypt 1990-2025)
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators

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