Dietary Supplements in an Age of Personalized Nutrition ; How the trend towards personalized health will impact the dietary supplements market
The rise of personalized nutrition is providing fresh impetus and new opportunities within the market for dietary supplements. This report considers the evolving landscape of the supplements industry.
Key Findings
- Personalized nutrition offers manufacturers the chance to develop an ongoing relationship with consumers rather than a single transactional approach. This benefits both suppliers, who can build a base of loyal customers, and consumers, who gain a personalized and dedicated service.
- Although the growth of the global market for vitamins, minerals, and supplements has slowed in recent years, the personalized nutrition trend will push growth at a CAGR of 6.5% from an estimated total value of $93bn in 2015 to $127bn in 2020.
- In 2015, WellPath joined forces with 23andMe and FitBit to offer a service to customers that provides customized packages of monthly supplements based on an unprecedented level of personal information.
The objective of “”Dietary Supplements in an Age of Personalized Nutrition”” is to examine the effects of personalized nutrition on the global dietary supplements industry. The content outlines the different approaches to personalized nutrition, with current examples of innovation and best practice within the marketplace. The report considers how the rise of personalized nutrition will impact on the global market for dietary supplements over the short-to-medium term, and offers suggestions and recommendations to manufacturers for achieving success within this new landscape.
Reasons To Buy
- Assess the different approaches to personalized nutrition, with current examples of innovation and best practice within the marketplace.
- Use market data to examine the current value in the market, and how this will change moving forward.
- Consider recent controversies in personalized nutrition, including ethical concerns, lack of regulation, data confidentiality, and gene patenting.
- Identify companies and collaborations that have achieved success in this market.
Table of Contents
About the author
Executive summary
The rise of personalized nutrition
Innovations in personalized nutrition
Dietary supplements market
Strategies for success
Chapter 1 Introduction
Food versus medicine
The dietary supplements market
Trends fueling growth
Trusted ingredient sourcing
Integrative medicine
Genetic modification
Commodity costs
Personalized nutrition: a key consumer trend
Report objectives
Chapter 2 The rise of personalized nutrition
The trend towards personalization
Human Genome Project
Personalized medicine
Examples of personalized medicine in practice
Cardiovascular disease
Personalized nutrition
Benefits of personalized nutrition
Controversies in personalized nutrition
Ethical considerations
Data confidentiality
Social implications
Evidence base
Chapter 3 Innovation in personalized nutrition
Supplement opportunities arising from personalized nutrition
Personalization at the demographic level
Personalization at the level of individual preference and lifestyle
Online services
Home supplement dispenser
Personalization at the level of biological testing
Personalized nutrition: an emerging industry in its own right
Delivery models
Existing and emerging players in personalized nutrition
Chapter 4 Dietary supplements market
Consumer acceptance of personalization nutrition
Market analogs
Impact of personalized nutrition on supplements market
Projected growth of dietary supplements market
Regional variation in dietary supplements market
Diagnostic testing market
Face-to-face consultation
Chapter 5 Strategies for success
Profile of the motivated consumer
Strategic imperatives
1. Build partnerships and collaborations with complementing industries
2. Build ongoing relationships with customers
3. Increase the at-home and online offering
4. Maintain credibility
Invest in research
Invest in PR
5. Drive costs down
6. Leverage familiarity with personalized medicine
7. Develop protocols for data security
8. Increase branding to improve product differentiation
Companies and consortia active in personalized nutrition
List of Tables
Table 1: Personalized medicine and the food industry supply chain
Table 2: Summary of recent studies investigating public attitudes to genetic testing
Table 3: Projected growth in key segments of the health and nutrition market with relevance to the personalized nutrition market
Table 4: Genetic testing companies directly involved in nutrigenomics (part 1)
Table 5: Genetic testing companies directly involved in nutrigenomics (part 2)
Table 6: Consortia influential in the personalized nutrition market
List of Figures
Figure 1: The divisions between foods and medicines are increasingly blurred
Figure 2: Prevalence of reported motivations for use of dietary supplements among adults in the US (%), 2007-10
Figure 3: Examples of recent negative press around dietary supplements, April 2015
Figure 4: Levels of characterization through which an personalized approach to nutrition and supplementation may be achieved
Figure 5: The personalized ""Share a Coke"" campaign was credited for turning around Coca-Cola sales after an 11-year decline
Figure 6: Principle of personalized medicine
Figure 7: Benefits of personalized nutrition
Figure 8: Increasing cost with increasing degree of personalization
Figure 9: Dietary products personalized through consumer demographics
Figure 10: The Nourish ""intelligent,"" personalized countertop supplement system
Figure 11: InsideTracker home blood testing kit; analysis includes a unique customized food, lifestyle, and exercise plan
Figure 12: Emerging role of smartphone apps in different aspects of personalized nutrition
Figure 13: The Nutrino app - an example of smartphone apps used in personalized nutrition
Figure 14: Supplement sales by channel (%), 2012
Figure 15: US supplement sales growth by channel (%), 2011-12
Figure 16: Global personalized medicine market, by product ($bn), 2012-22
Figure 17: Supplement sales by product type (%), 2012
Figure 18: Supplement sales growth by product type (%), 2012
Figure 19: Projected growth in the global market for vitamins, minerals, and supplements, 2015-20
Figure 20: Distribution of market for vitamins, minerals, and supplements by region (%), 2015
Figure 21: Projected rate of growth in the market for vitamins, minerals, and supplements by region (%), 2015-20
Figure 22: Acceptance of personalized nutrition through a combination of ""push and pull""
Figure 23: Characteristics of individuals who express an interest in personalized nutrition, 2015
Figure 24: Complementary skill sets and deficits of pharmaceutical and food companies entering the market in personalized nutrition
Figure 25: Amount of US consumers willing to pay for a genetic test (%), 2014