Czech Republic Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Report Q2 2016

77 pages report Published in
Publisher: Business Monitor International

arrowFor This Report

BMI View: The Czech Republic will continue to be one of the most attractive markets in the CEE region for
pharmaceutical and healthcare investment. A strong economic outlook will be the driving factor behind
growth, with plans to further increase access to healthcare; pharmaceutical sales are expected to increase
over the coming years.
Headline Expenditure Projections
? Pharmaceuticals: CZK78.83bn (USD3.01bn) in 2015 to CZK81.10bn (USD3.27bn) in 2016; +2.9% in
local currency terms and +8.6 % in US dollar terms. Forecasts in line with last quarter.
? Healthcare: CZK284.72bn (USD10.87bn) in 2015 to CZK292.53bn (USD11.79bn) in 2016; +2.7% in
local currency terms and +8.4% in US dollar terms. Forecasts in line with last quarter.

Table of Contents

BMI Industry View 7
Table: Headline Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Forecasts (Czech Republic 2014-2020) 7
Industry Forecast 11
Pharmaceutical Market Forecast 11
Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 13
Healthcare Market Forecast 14
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 17
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 17
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 17
Prescription Drug Market Forecast 18
Table: Prescription Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 19
Patented Drug Market Forecast 20
Table: Patented Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 22
Generic Drug Market Forecast 23
Table: Generic Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 24
OTC Medicine Market Forecast 25
Table: Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medicine Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020) 27
Pharmaceutical Trade Forecast 28
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2014-2020) 29
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts local currency (Czech Republic 2014-2020) 30
Industry Risk Reward Index 31
Central And Eastern Europe Risk/Reward Index - Q2 2016 31
Czech Republic - Risk/Reward Index 37
Rewards 37
Risks 37
Regulatory Review 38
Regulatory Regime 38
Pricing Regime 39
Reimbursement Regime 40
Table: European VAT Rates On Medicines (%) 43
Market Overview 46
Healthcare Sector 46
Table: Healthcare Resources (Czech Republic 2010-2015) 48
Table: Healthcare Personnel (Czech Republic 2010-2015) 48
Table: Healthcare Activity (Czech Republic 2010-2015) 49
Research & Development 52
Clinical Trials 53
Epidemiology 55
Competitive Landscape 58
Research-Based Industry 58
Table: Multinational Market Activity 58
Generic Drugmakers 59
Pharmaceutical Distribution 60
Pharmaceutical Retail Sector 60
Company Profile 62
Zentiva (Sanofi) 62
Demographic Data 66
Demographic Forecast 66
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Czech Republic 1990-2025) 67
Table: Key Population Ratios (Czech Republic 1990-2025) 67
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Czech Republic 1990-2025) 68
Table: Population By Age Group (Czech Republic 1990-2025) 68
Table: Population By Age Group % (Czech Republic 1990-2025) 69
Glossary 71
Methodology 73
Pharmaceutical Expenditure Forecast Model 73
Healthcare Expenditure Forecast Model 73
Notes On Methodology 74
Risk/Reward Index Methodology 75
Index Overview 76
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators 76
Indicator Weightings 77

List of Tables

Table: Headline Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Forecasts (Czech Republic 2014-2020)
Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Prescription Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Patented Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Generic Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medicine Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2012-2020)
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts (Czech Republic 2014-2020)
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts local currency (Czech Republic 2014-2020)
Table: European VAT Rates On Medicines (%)
Table: Healthcare Resources (Czech Republic 2010-2015)
Table: Healthcare Personnel (Czech Republic 2010-2015)
Table: Healthcare Activity (Czech Republic 2010-2015)
Table: Multinational Market Activity
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Czech Republic 1990-2025)
Table: Key Population Ratios (Czech Republic 1990-2025)
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Czech Republic 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group (Czech Republic 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group % (Czech Republic 1990-2025)
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators

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