Diagnostics Subscribe

2016 Spain Automated Microbiology Market: Supplier Shares, Country Forecasts, Innovative Technologies, Instrumentation Review, Competitive Strategies–Molecular Diagnostics, Microbial Identification, Antibiotic Susceptibility, Blood Culture, Urine Screening, Immunodiagnostics

Published in Nov 2015 ; US $ 6950 Onwards; Publisher: Venture Planning Group

VPGMarkketResearch.com’s new report is a analysis of major business opportunities emerging in the Spanish automated microbiology market during the next five years. The report examines key trends, reviews current and emerging assays; analyzes potential applications of innovative diagnostic technologies; forecasts […]

2016 Germany Infectious Disease Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Country Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts, Innovative Technologies, Instrumentation Review, Competitive Strategies

Published in Nov 2015 ; US $ 4350 Onwards; Publisher: Venture Planning Group

This new study from VPGMarketResearch contains 615 pages, 26 tables, and is designed to help current suppliers and potential market entrants identify and evaluate emerging opportunities in the infectious disease molecular diagnostics market during the next five years. Report Highlights […]

2016 Italian Enteric Diseases Testing Market Analysis and Emerging Opportunities

Published in Nov 2015 ; US $ 2200 Onwards; Publisher: Venture Planning Group

This new 322-page report from VPGMarketResearch presents detailed analysis of the Italian Enteric Diseases market, including sales forecasts and supplier shares for Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. Coli, Enterovirus, Rhinovirus, Rotavirus, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio and Yersinia. The report provides test volume and […]

2016 U.K. Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Country Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts, Innovative Technologies, Instrumentation Review, Competitive Strategies–Infectious Diseases, Genetic Diseases, Cancer, Forensic and Paternity Testing

Published in Nov 2015 ; US $ 6700 Onwards; Publisher: Venture Planning Group

This new 1,122-page report from VPGMarketResearch contains 53 tables, and presents a comprehensive analysis of the UK molecular diagnostics market, including: Major issues pertaining to the UK molecular diagnostics laboratory practice, as well as key economic, regulatory, demographic, social and […]

2016 Germany Genetic Diseases, Cancer, Forensic and Paternity Molecular Diagnostic Testing Markets: Country Forecasts, Emerging Technologies, Competitive Strategies

Published in Nov 2015 ; US $ 1850 Onwards; Publisher: Venture Planning Group

This new study from VPGMarketResearch contains 407 pages, and is designed to help current suppliers and potential market entrants identify and evaluate emerging opportunities for molecular diagnostic technologies and products in testing for genetic diseases, cancer, as well as forensic […]

2016 U.K. Molecular Diagnostics Market: Sales and Market Shares of Major Suppliers

Published in Nov 2015 ; US $ 3000 Onwards; Publisher: Venture Planning Group

This unique report from VPGMarketResearch provides UK sales and market share estimates for major suppliers of molecular diagnostic products. The report also presents strategic assessments of major suppliers and emerging market entrants, including their product portfolios, marketing tactics, technological know-how, […]

2016 U.S. Hepatitis Markers Testing Market: Hospitals, Blood Banks, Public Health Labs, Commercial Labs, Physician Offices–Supplier Shares and Sales Forecasts For 10 Immunodiagnostic and NAT Procedures

Published in Nov 2015 ; US $ 3900 Onwards; Publisher: Venture Planning Group

The report presents a detailed analysis of the Hepatitis diagnostics market in the US. Current scientific views on the Hepatitis definition, epidemiology and etiology are reviewed. The report provides five-year test volume and sales forecasts for HAV NAT, HBV NAT, […]