Brazil Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Report Q2 2016

109 pages report Published in
Publisher: Business Monitor International

arrowFor This Report

BMI View: Brazil will continue to be the most important market for multinational pharmaceutical
companies in Latin America, despite growing financial tensions, increasing pricing pressure and generic
competition. Headline Expenditure Projections
Pharmaceuticals: BRL65.8bn (USD19.8bn) in 2015 to BRL69.8bn (USD18.4bn) in 2016; +6.1% in local
currency terms and -7.0% in US dollar terms. Forecast in has stayed the same as in Q116.
Healthcare: BRL509.9bn (USD216.7bn) in 2015 to BRL601.1bn (USD158.2bn) in 2016; +8.3% in local
currency terms and -5.0% in US dollar terms. Forecast in local currency has been revised downward from

Table of Contents

BMI Industry View 7
Table: Headline Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Forecasts (Brazil 2014-2020) 7
Industry Forecast 11
Pharmaceutical Market Forecast 11
Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 13
Healthcare Market Forecast 14
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 16
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 16
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 17
Prescription Drug Market Forecast 18
Table: Prescription Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 19
Patented Drug Market Forecast 20
Table: Patented Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 22
Generic Drug Market Forecast 23
Table: Generic Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 25
OTC Medicine Market Forecast 26
Table: Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medicine Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020) 27
Pharmaceutical Trade Forecast 28
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2014-2020) 30
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts local currency (Brazil 2014-2020) 30
Industry Risk/Reward Index 31
Americas Risk/Reward Index 31
Brazil Risk/Reward Index 37
Rewards 37
Risks 37
Regulatory Review 39
Intellectual Property Issues 40
Pricing Regime 43
Reimbursement Regime 44
Market Overview 47
Healthcare Sector 48
Table: Healthcare Resources (Brazil 2010-2015) 49
Table: Healthcare Personnel (Brazil 2010-2015) 49
Table: Healthcare Activity (Brazil 2010-2015) 50
Research & Development 50
Biotechnology 52
Clinical Trials 53
Epidemiology 54
Competitive Landscape 57
Research-Based Industry 57
Table: Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies In Brazil By Sales In 2013 57
Table: Multinational Pharmaceutical Company Activity 58
Generic Drugmakers 58
Pharmaceutical Distribution 61
Pharmaceutical Retail Sector 63
Company Profile 65
Aché/Biosintética 65
Cristália 69
EMS Sigma 72
Eurofarma 75
GlaxoSmithKline 77
Table: GlaxoSMITHKLINE'S Strong Collaborative Efforts In Public-Private Partnerships (Ppps) In Brazil 79
Medley 81
Merck & Co 83
Novartis 86
Pfizer 89
Roche 92
Sanofi 95
Demographic Forecast 98
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Brazil 1990-2025) 99
Table: Key Population Ratios (Brazil 1990-2025) 99
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Brazil 1990-2025) 100
Table: Population By Age Group (Brazil 1990-2025) 100
Table: Population By Age Group % (Brazil 1990-2025) 101
Glossary 103
Methodology 105
Pharmaceutical Expenditure Forecast Model 105
Healthcare Expenditure Forecast Model 105
Notes On Methodology 106
Risk/Reward Index Methodology 107
Index Overview 108
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators 108
Indicator Weightings 109

List of Tables

Table: Headline Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Forecasts (Brazil 2014-2020)
Table: Pharmaceutical Sales, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Government Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Private Healthcare Expenditure Trends, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Prescription Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Patented Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Generic Drug Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medicine Market Indicators, Historical Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2012-2020)
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts (Brazil 2014-2020)
Table: Pharmaceutical Trade Data And Forecasts local currency (Brazil 2014-2020)
Table: Healthcare Resources (Brazil 2010-2015)
Table: Healthcare Personnel (Brazil 2010-2015)
Table: Healthcare Activity (Brazil 2010-2015)
Table: Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies In Brazil By Sales In 2013
Table: Multinational Pharmaceutical Company Activity
Table: GlaxoSMITHKLINE'S Strong Collaborative Efforts In Public-Private Partnerships (Ppps) In Brazil
Table: Population Headline Indicators (Brazil 1990-2025)
Table: Key Population Ratios (Brazil 1990-2025)
Table: Urban/Rural Population & Life Expectancy (Brazil 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group (Brazil 1990-2025)
Table: Population By Age Group % (Brazil 1990-2025)
Table: Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Index Indicators

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