2016 US Emerging Tumor Marker Testing Market: Emerging Opportunities and Growth Strategies for Instrument and Reagent Suppliers (DataPack)
This DataPack contains tables from VPGMarketResearch.com new report, “2016 US Emerging Tumor Marker Testing Market: Emerging Opportunities and Growth Strategies for Instrument and Reagent Suppliers.”
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Table of Contents
List of Tables
Tumor Marker Classification
Major Companies Developing or Marketing ACTH Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing AFP Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Beta-2 Microglobulin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CA 15-3/27.29 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CA 19-9 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CA 125 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Calcitonin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CEA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Estrogen Receptor Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Progesterone Receptor Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Ferritin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gastrin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing HCG Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Insulin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing NSE Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Occult Blood Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PAP Smear/HPV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PAP Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PSA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lymphocyte Subclassification Tests
Biochemical Markers Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Oncogenes Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Oncogene Tests Growth
Factors Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis Colony Stimulating Factors Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Lymphokines Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Immunohistochemical Stains Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Executive Summary Table: U.S., Total Tumor Marker Test Volume and Sales Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Estimated New Cancer Cases and Deaths
U.S., Estimated Cancer Death Rates Per 100,000 Population
U.S., Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests by Market Segment
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests by Bed Size
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests By Annual Test Volume
U.S., Physician Office Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests By Practice Size
U.S., Total Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., All Market Segments Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast by Test
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Physician Offices/Group Practices Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Cancer Clinics Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast by Test
U.S., Total Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., All Market Segment Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Physician Offices/Group Practices Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Cancer Clinics Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., ACTH Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., AFP Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Beta-2 Microglobulin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CA 15-3/27.29 Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CA 19-9 Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CA-125 Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Calcitonin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Cathepsin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CEA Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales by Market Segment
U.S., Chromogranin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Colon-specific Antigen Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Cytokeratins Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Estrogen Receptor Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Ferritin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Gastrin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., HCG Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Insulin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Interferons Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Interleukins Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Lymphocyte Subtyping Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., NSE Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Nucleolar Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Occult Blood Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Oncogenes Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Pancreatic Oncofetal Antigen Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., PAP Smear Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Parathyroid Hormone Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Progesterone Receptor Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., PAP Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., PSA Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., S-100 Protein Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Serotonin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Sialic Acid Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., TDT Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Thymidine Kinase Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Thyroglobulin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., TPA Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Total Tumor Marker Sales By Major Supplier
U.S., ACTH Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., AFP Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Beta-2 Migroblolulin Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CA 15-3/27.29 Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CA 19-9 Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CA 125 Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CEA Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Ferritin Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., HCG Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Insulin Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Parathyroid Hormone Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., PAP Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Progesterone Receptor Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., PSA Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
List of Tables
Tumor Marker Classification
Major Companies Developing or Marketing ACTH Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing AFP Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Beta-2 Microglobulin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CA 15-3/27.29 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CA 19-9 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CA 125 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Calcitonin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CEA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Estrogen Receptor Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Progesterone Receptor Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Ferritin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gastrin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing HCG Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Insulin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing NSE Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Occult Blood Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PAP Smear/HPV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PAP Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PSA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lymphocyte Subclassification Tests
Biochemical Markers Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Oncogenes Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Oncogene Tests Growth
Factors Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis Colony Stimulating Factors Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Lymphokines Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Immunohistochemical Stains Potential Applications In Cancer Diagnosis
Executive Summary Table: U.S., Total Tumor Marker Test Volume and Sales Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Estimated New Cancer Cases and Deaths
U.S., Estimated Cancer Death Rates Per 100,000 Population
U.S., Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests by Market Segment
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests by Bed Size
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests By Annual Test Volume
U.S., Physician Office Laboratories Performing Tumor Marker Tests By Practice Size
U.S., Total Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., All Market Segments Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast by Test
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Physician Offices/Group Practices Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Cancer Clinics Major Tumor Marker Test Volume Forecast by Test
U.S., Total Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., All Market Segment Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Physician Offices/Group Practices Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., Cancer Clinics Major Tumor Marker Sales Forecast by Test
U.S., ACTH Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., AFP Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Beta-2 Microglobulin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CA 15-3/27.29 Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CA 19-9 Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CA-125 Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Calcitonin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Cathepsin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., CEA Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales by Market Segment
U.S., Chromogranin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Colon-specific Antigen Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Cytokeratins Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Estrogen Receptor Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Ferritin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Gastrin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., HCG Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Insulin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Interferons Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Interleukins Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Lymphocyte Subtyping Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., NSE Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Nucleolar Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Occult Blood Test Volume And Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Oncogenes Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Pancreatic Oncofetal Antigen Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., PAP Smear Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Parathyroid Hormone Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Progesterone Receptor Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., PAP Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., PSA Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., S-100 Protein Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Serotonin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Sialic Acid Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., TDT Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Thymidine Kinase Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Thyroglobulin Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., TPA Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S., Total Tumor Marker Sales By Major Supplier
U.S., ACTH Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., AFP Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Beta-2 Migroblolulin Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CA 15-3/27.29 Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CA 19-9 Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CA 125 Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., CEA Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Ferritin Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., HCG Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Insulin Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Parathyroid Hormone Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., PAP Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., Progesterone Receptor Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
U.S., PSA Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier