2016 Future Horizons and Growth Strategies in the US Flow Cytometry Market: Instrument and Reagents Supplier Shares, Country Segment Forecasts, Competitive Intelligence, Opportunities
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the US flow cytometry market, including:
Major issues pertaining to the US flow cytometry practice, as well as key economic, regulatory, demographic, social and technological trends with significant market impact during the next five years.
Five-year volume and sales forecasts for major flow cytometry tests performed in US hospitals and commercial laboratories.
Annual placements and installed base of major flow cytometers.
Review of current instrumentation technologies and a feature comparison of leading systems.
Five-year reagent and instrument sales forecasts.
Sales and market shares of leading reagent and instrument suppliers.
Review of current and emerging diagnostic technologies, and their potential market applications.
Product development opportunities for new instruments, consumables, and auxiliary products.
Profiles of current and emerging suppliers, including their sales, product portfolios, marketing tactics, technological know-how, new products in R&D, collaborative arrangements, and corporate strategies.
Business opportunities and strategic recommendations for suppliers.
I. Introduction
II. Worldwide Market and Technology Overview
A. Major Flow Cytometry Applications
1. Cell Surface Markers
a. Lymphocyte Subclassification CD4/CD8
* Instrumentation and Reagent Test Kits
* BD FACS Count
* Beckman Coulter VCS
* T Cells Diagnostics TRAx
b. Other Cell Markers
2. DNA Content Analysis
3. RNA Content Analysis
4. Chemotherapy Monitoring
5. Cell Cycle Analysis
6. Reticulocytes
7. Chromosome Analysis
8. Fetal Cell Analysis
9. HLA Typing
10. Microbiology
11. Protein Content Analysis
12. Multiparameter Analysis
13. Other Applications
B. Instrumentation Review
a. Introduction
b. System Overview
* BD FACSadvantage
* BD FACSCalibur
* BD FACScan
* BD FACSCount
* BD FACSort
* BD FACStar Series
* BD FACStrak
* BD FACS Vantage
* BD Influx
* Beckman Coulter Epics C
* Beckman Coulter Epics Elite Analyzer
* Beckman Coulter Epics Elite ESP
* Beckman Coulter Epics Profile
* Beckman Coulter Epics XL
* Beckman Coulter FC 500 Series
* Beckman Coulter Vi-CELL XR
C. Current Market Needs and Future Demand for Hematology Analyzers
D. Reagents and Controls
E. Current and Emerging Technologies
1. Information Technologies
2. Automation and Robotics
3. Lasers
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Monoclonal Antibodies
6. Molecular Diagnostics
7. Microdrop Technology
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
1. Health Care Expenditures
2. Cost Consciousness
3. Reimbursement
4. Industry Consolidation
5. Managed Care
a. HMO
b. PPO
6. Hospitals
7. Admissions
8. Length of Stay
9. Industry Diversification
10. Physician Demographics
11. Population Aging
a. Chronic Illness
b. Disease Incidence
c. Susceptibility to Iatrogenesis
d. Multiple Illness Cases
12. Laboratory Regulations
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers' Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales and Market Share
IV. Major Product Development Opportunities
A. Instrumentation
B. Reagent Kits and Test Systems/Panels
C. Information Technology
D. Auxiliary Products
V. Design Criteria for Decentralized Testing Products
VI. Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for the Decentralized Testing Markets
1. Four Marketing Approaches
2. Product Complexity Factor
3. Customer Preference Factor
4. Established Suppliers
5. Emerging Suppliers
6. Major Types of Distributors
7. Market Segmentation Factor
VII. Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
VIII. Competitive Assessments
* Abbott
* Agilent Technologies
* Beckman Coulter/Danaher
* Becton Dickinson
* Bio-Rad
* Horiba
* Iris Diagnostics/Danaher
* Nihon Kohden
* Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
* Roche
* Siemens
* Sysmex
IX. Appendix: Major Universities and Research Centers Developing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Technologies and Applications
List of Tables
U.S., Laboratories Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests By Market Segment
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests By Annual Test Volume
U.S., Physician Offices/Group Practices Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests By Practice Size
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry and Special Hematology Specimen Volume Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry and Special Hematology Specimen Volume Forecast
U.S., All Market Segments Flow Cytometry and Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry and Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories, Flow Cytometry and Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Physician Office Laboratories, Flow Cytometry and Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated Placements and Installed Base
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Flow Cytometry Instrument Market Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Flow Cytometry Consumable Market Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market By Major Supplier
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Instrument Market By Major Supplier
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Consumables Market By Major Supplier