2016 Emerging In Vitro Diagnostic Technologies and Their Potential Applications
This new report from VPGMarketResearch.com provides assessments of emerging in vitro diagnostic technologies and their potential applications within the following market segments:
- Blood Typing, Grouping, and Screening
- Cancer Diagnostics
- Clinical Chemistry and Immunodiagnostics
- Coagulation Testing
- Hematology and Flow Cytometry
- Microbiology
- Molecular Diagnostics
Technologies analyzed in the report include:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Autologous Blood Transfusion/Freezing
- Automation
- Biosensors
- Blood Preservation
- Chromatography
- Chromogenic Substrates
- Chromosome Analysis
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Differential Light Scattering
- Dry Chemistry
- Flow Cytometry
- Gel Microdroplets
- Genetically Engineered Blood Components
- Immunoassays
- Information Technology
- Lasers
- Liposomes
- Microcomputers
- Microdrop Technology
- Microtitration Plates
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies
- Robotics
- Synthetic Red Cell Substitutes
- Tandem Mass Spec
- Two Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis (2-DGE)
Table of Contents
I. Technology Review: Assessment of In Vitro Diagnostic Technologies and Their Potential
Artificial Intelligence
Autologous Blood Transfusion/Freezing
Blood Preservation
Chromogenic Substrates
Chromosome Analysis
Diagnostic Imaging
Differential Light Scattering
Dry Chemistry
Flow Cytometry
Gel Microdroplets
Genetically Engineered Blood Components
Information Technology
Microdrop Technology
Microtitration Plates
Molecular Diagnostics
Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies
Synthetic Red Cell Substitutes
Tandem Mass Spec
Two Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis (2?DGE)
II. Applications
A. Blood Typing, Grouping, and Screening
B. Cancer Diagnostics
C. Clinical Chemistry and Immunodiagnostics
D. Coagulation Testing
E. Hematology and Flow Cytometry
F. Microbiology
G. Molecular Diagnostics