2015 Deep Research Report on Global Suture Industry

214 pages report Published in
Medical Devices
Publisher: QYResearch Group

arrowFor This Report

This is a professional and deep research report in this field.

For overview analysis, the report introduces Suture basic information including definition, classification, application, industry chain structure, industry overview, policy analysis, and news analysis, etc.

For international and China market analysis, the report analyzes Suture markets in China and other countries or regions (such as US, Europe, Japan, etc.) by presenting research on global products of different types and applications, developments and trends of market, technology, competitive landscape, and leading suppliers’ and countries’ 2010-2015 capacity, production, cost, price, profit, production value, and gross margin. For leading suppliers, related information is listed as products, customers, application, capacity, market position, and company contact information, etc. 2016-2021 forecast on capacity, production, cost, price, profit, production value, and gross margin for these markets are also included.

For technical data and manufacturing plants analysis, the report analyzes Suture leading suppliers on capacity, commercial production date, manufacturing plants distribution, R&D status, technology sources, and raw materials sources.

For industry chain analysis, the report covers Suture upstream raw materials, equipment, downstream client survey, marketing channels, industry development trend and proposals, which more specifically include valuable information on Suture key applications and consumption, key regions and consumption, key global distributors , major raw materials suppliers and contact information, major manufacturing equipment suppliers and contact information, major suppliers and contact Information, key consumers and contact information, and supply chain relationship analysis.

This report also presents Suture product specification, manufacturing process, and product cost structure etc. Production is separated by regions, technology and applications. In the end, the report includes Suture new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, investment return analysis, and development trend analysis.

In conclusion, it is a deep research report on global Suture industry. Here, we express our thanks for the support and assistance from Suture industry chain related technical experts and marketing engineers during research team’s survey and interviews.

Table of Contents

Chapter One Suture Industry Overview    1
1.1 Suture Definition    1
1.2 Suture Classification and Application    1
1.3 Suture Industry Chain Structure    3
1.4 Suture Industry Overview    3
1.5 Suture Industry Policy Analysis    4
1.6 Suture Industry News Analysis    5

Chapter Two Suture International and China Market Analysis    6
2.1 Suture Industry International Market Analysis    6
2.1.1 Suture International Market Development History    6
2.1.2 Suture Product and Technology Developments    6
2.1.3 Suture Competitive Landscape Analysis    7
2.1.4 Suture International Key Countries Development Status    9
2.1.5 Suture International Market Development Trend    9
2.2 Suture Industry China Market Analysis    10
2.2.1 Suture China Market Development History    10
2.2.2 Suture Product and Technology Developments    10
2.2.3 Suture Competitive Landscape Analysis    11
2.2.4 Suture China Key Regions Development Status    12
2.2.5 Suture China Market Development Trend    13
2.3 Suture International and China Market Comparison Analysis    14

Chapter Three Suture Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis    16
3.1 2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Capacity and Commercial Production Date    16
3.2 2014 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Manufacturing Plants Distribution    17
3.3 2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Raw Materials Sources Analysis    18

Chapter Four Suture Production by Regions By Technology By Applications    19
4.1 2010-2015 Suture Production by Regions (such as US EU China Japan etc.)    19
4.2 2010-2015 Suture Production by Technology (key type product)    22
4.3 2010-2015 Suture Production by Applications    23
4.4 2010-2015 Suture Price by key Manufacturers    25
4.5 2010-2015 US Suture Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Analysis    26
4.6 2010-2015 EU Suture Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Analysis    26
4.7 2010-2015 Japan Suture Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Analysis    27
4.8 2010-2015 China Suture Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Analysis    27
4.9 2010-2015 US Suture Supply Import Export Consumption    28
4.10 2010-2015 EU Suture Supply Import Export Consumption    28
4.11 2010-2015 Japan Suture Supply Import Export Consumption    28
4.12 2010-2015 China Suture Supply Import Export Consumption    29

Chapter Five Suture Manufacturing Process and Cost Structure    30
5.1 Suture Product Specifications    30
5.2 Suture Manufacturing Process Analysis    31
5.3 Suture Cost Structure Analysis    31
5.4 Suture Price Cost Gross Analysis    31

Chapter Six 2010-2015 Suture Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast    33
6.1 2010-2015 Suture Capacity Production Overview    33
6.2 2010-2015 Suture Production Market Share Analysis    43
6.3 2010-2015 Suture Demand Overview    53
6.4 2010-2015 Suture Supply Demand and Shortage    54
6.5 2010-2015 Suture Import Export Consumption    54
6.6 2010-2015 Suture Cost Price Production Value Gross Margin    54

Chapter Seven Suture Key Manufacturers Analysis    64
7.1 Johnson & Johnson Medical    64
7.1.1 Company Profile    64
7.1.2 Johnson & Johnson Medical Product Introduction    65
7.1.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    67
7.1.4 Contact Information    69
7.2 Covidien    69
7.2.1 Company Profile    69
7.2.2 Covidien Product Introduction    70
7.2.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    71
7.2.4 Contact Information    72
7.3 Peters Surgical    72
7.3.1 Company Profile    73
7.3.2 Peters Surgical Suture Product Introduction    73
7.3.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    75
7.3.4 Contact Information    76
7.4 B.Braun    76
7.4.1 Company Profile    76
7.4.2 B.Braun Product Introduction    77
7.4.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    79
7.4.4 Contact Information    80
7.5 Internacional Farmacéutica    80
7.5.1 Company Profile    81
7.5.2 Internacional Farmacéutica Suture Product Introduction    81
7.5.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    82
7.5.4 Contact Information    84
7.6 DemeTech    84
7.6.1 Company Profile    84
7.6.2 DemeTech Product Introduction    85
7.6.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    85
7.6.4 Contact Information    87
7.7 Kono Seisakusho    87
7.7.1 Company Profile    87
7.7.2 Kono Seisakusho Product Introduction    88
7.7.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    89
7.7.4 Contact Information    90
7.8 Surgical Specialties Corporation    90
7.8.1 Company Profile    90
7.8.2 Surgical Specialties Product Introduction    91
7.8.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    92
7.8.4 Contact Information    93
7.9 Mani    93
7.9.1 Company Profile    94
7.9.2 Mani Product Introduction    94
7.9.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    94
7.9.4 Contact Information    96
7.10 Samyang Biopharmaceuticals    96
7.10.1 Company Profile    96
7.10.2 Samyang Product Introduction    97
7.10.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    97
7.10.4 Contact Information    99
7.11 AD Surgical    99
7.11.1 Company Profile    99
7.11.2 AD Surgical Product Introduction    100
7.11.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    101
7.11.4 Contact Information    102
7.12 Dolphin    102
7.12.1 Company Profile    103
7.12.2 Dolphin Product Introduction    103
7.12.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    104
7.12.4 Contact Information    105
7.13 Usiol    105
7.13.1 Company Profile    106
7.13.2 UsiolProduct Introduction    106
7.13.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    106
7.13.4 Contact Information    108
7.14 Unik Surgical Sutures MFG    108
7.14.1 Company Profile    108
7.14.2 Unik Product Introduction    109
7.14.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    109
7.14.4 Contact Information    111
7.15 Assut Medical Sarl    111
7.15.1 Company Profile    111
7.15.2 Assut Medical Sarl Product Introduction    112
7.15.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    112
7.15.4 Contact Information    114
7.16 Teleflex    114
7.16.1 Company Profile    114
7.16.2 Teleflex Product Introduction    114
7.16.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    116
7.16.4 Contact Information    117
7.17 Lotus Surgicals    117
7.17.1 Company Profile    118
7.17.2 Lotus Surgicals Product Introduction    119
7.17.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    119
7.17.4 Contact Information    121
7.18 Conmed    121
7.18.1 Company Profile    121
7.18.2 Conmed Product Introduction    122
7.18.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    122
7.18.4 Contact Information    124
7.19 United Medical    125
7.19.1 Company Profile    125
7.19.2 United Medical Product Introduction    125
7.19.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    126
7.19.4 Contact Information    128
7.20 Goremedical    128
7.20.1 Company Profile    128
7.20.2 Goremedical Product Introduction    128
7.20.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    129
7.20.4 Contact Information    130
7.21 Sutures India Pvt    130
7.21.1 Company Profile    131
7.21.2 Sutures India Pvt Product Introduction    131
7.21.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    132
7.21.4 Contact Information    133
7.22 Huaiyin Micra    133
7.22.1 Company Profile    133
7.22.2 Huaiyin Micra Product Introduction    134
7.22.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    134
7.22.4 Contact Information    136
7.23 Weihai Wego    136
7.23.1 Company Profile    136
7.23.2 Weihai Wego Product Introduction    136
7.23.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    137
7.23.4 Contact Information    139
7.24 Shanghai Jinhuan    139
7.24.1 Company Profile    139
7.24.2 Shanghai Jinhuan Product Introduction    140
7.24.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    140
7.24.4 Contact Information    142
7.25 Nantong Huaerkang Medical Technology    142
7.25.1 Company Profile    142
7.25.2 Nantong Huaerkang Medical Technology Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Introduction    142
7.25.3 Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    143
7.25.4 Contact Information    144
7.26 Jiangxi 3L Medicinal Products    144
7.26.1 Company Profile    144
7.26.2 JiangXi 3L Medicinal Products Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Introduction    145
7.26.3 JiangXi 3L Medicinal Products Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    146
7.26.4 Contact Information    148
7.27 Jiangxi Longteng    148
7.27.1 Company Profile    148
7.27.2 Jiangxi Longteng Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Introduction    149
7.27.3 Jiangxi Longteng Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Capacity Production Price Cost Gross Analysis    149
7.27.28 Contact Information    150
7.28 Shanghai Tianqing    151
7.28.1 Shanghai Tianqing    151
7.28.2 Product Introduction    151
7.28.3 2010-2015 Shanghai Tianqing Suture Product Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Key Data    152
7.29 Huaian Angle    153
7.29.1 Shanghai Tianqing    153
7.29.2 Product Introduction    154
7.29.3 2010-2015 Huaian Angle Suture Product Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Key Data    154
7.29.4 Huaian Angle Contact Information    155
7.30 Holycon    156
7.30.1 Shanghai Tianqing    156
7.30.2 Product Introduction    156
7.30.3 2010-2015 Holycon Suture Product Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Key Data    157
7.30.4 Holycon Contact Information    158
7.31 Hangzhou Huawei Medical Appliance    158
7.31.1 Shanghai Tianqing    158
7.31.2 Product Introduction    159
7.31.3 2010-2015 Hangzhou Huawei Medical Appliance Suture Product Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Key Data    160
7.31.4 Hangzhou Huawei Medical Appliance Contact Information    161
7.32 Tianjin Dongnan Hengsheng    161
7.32.1 Shanghai Tianqing    161
7.32.2 Product Introduction    162
7.32.3 2010-2015 Tianjin Dongnan Hengsheng Suture Product Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Key Data    162
7.32.4 Tianjin Dongnan Hengsheng Contact Information    164
7.33 Shandong Bardon    164
7.33.1 Shanghai Tianqing    164
7.33.2 Product Introduction    164
7.33.3 2010-2015 Shandong Bardon Suture Product Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Key Data    165
7.33.4 Shandong Bardon Contact Information    166
7.34 Shanghai Yiyong Suture    166
7.34.1 Shanghai Tianqing    166
7.34.2 Product Introduction    167
7.34.3 2010-2015 Shanghai Yiyong Suture Suture Product Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value Key Data    167
7.34.4 Shanghai Yiyong Suture Contact Information    168

Chapter Eight Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis    170
8.1 Upstream Raw Materials Analysis    170
8.2 Processing Equipment and Suppliers Analysis    170
8.3 Key Applications and Consumption Analysis    172
8.4 Key Regions and Consumption Analysis    172

Chapter Nine Suture Marketing Channels Analysis    176
9.1 Suture Marketing Channels Status    176
9.2 Suture Marketing Channels Characteristic    176
9.3 Suture Marketing Channels Development Trend    177
9.4 Suture Global Key Distributors Analysis    178

Chapter Ten Suture Industry Development Trend    179
10.1 2016-2021 Suture Capacity Production Overview    179
10.2 2016-2021 Suture Production Market Share Analysis    181
10.3 2016-2021 Suture Demand Overview    185
10.4 2016-2021 Suture Supply Demand and Shortage    186
10.5 2016-2021 Suture Import Export Consumption    186
10.6 2016-2021 Suture Cost Price Production Value Gross Margin    186

Chapter Eleven Suture Supply Chain Relationship Analysis    188
11.1 Raw Materials Major Suppliers and Contact Information    188
11.2 Manufacturing Equipment Suppliers and Contact Information    188
11.3 Suture Major Suppliers and Contact Information    190
11.4 Key Consumers and Their Contact Information    190
11.5 Suture Supply Chain Relationship Analysis    191

Chapter Twelve Suture New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis    192
12.1 Suture Project SWOT Analysis    192
12.2 Suture Investment Feasibility Analysis    192

Chapter Thirteen Global and China Suture Industry Research Conclusions    194

List of Tables and Figures

Figure Suture product    1
Table Suture Classification and Application    1
Figure Suture Industry Chain Structure    3
Figure 2014 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    7
Figure 2014 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Value Market Share    8
Figure 2014 Global Major Countries Suture Production Market Share    9
Figure 2016-2021 Global Dry Mortar Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    9
Figure 2014 China Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    11
Figure 2014 China Key Regions Suture Production Market Share    12
Figure 2016-2021 China Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    13
Figure 2010-2015 Global and China Suture Capacity (Million Unit) Comparison    14
Figure 2010-2015 Global and China Suture Production (Million Unit) Comparison    15
Figure 2010-2015 Global and China Suture Demand (Million Unit) Comparison    15
Table 2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Capacity (Million Unit) and Commercial Production Date List    16
Table 2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Manufacturing Plants Distribution List    17
Table 2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Raw Materials    18
Table 2010-2015 Global Major Regions Suture Production(Million Unit)List    19
Figure 2010 Global Major Regions Suture Production Share    19
Figure 2011 Global Major Regions Suture Production Share    20
Figure 2012 Global Major Regions Suture Production Share    20
Figure 2013 Global Major Regions Suture Production Share    21
Figure 2014 Global Major Regions Suture Production Share    21
Table 2010-2015 Global Suture Product Key Type Production (Million Unit) List    22
Figure 2010 Global Suture Product Key Type Production Share    22
Figure 2014 Global Suture Product Key Type Production Share    23
Table 2010-2015 Global Suture Products Production (Million Unit) by Applications    23
Figure 2010 Global Suture Product Production Share by Applications    24
Figure 2014 Global Suture Product Production Share by Applications    24
Table 2010-2015 Global Key Manufacturers Block Price (USD/Unit) List    25
Table 2010-2015 US Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost (USD/Unit) Production Value (million USD) Gross margin List    26
Table 2010-2015 EU Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost (USD/Unit) Production Value (million USD) Gross margin List    26
Table 2010-2015 Japan Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost (USD/Unit) Production Value (million USD) Gross margin List    27
Table 2010-2015 China Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost (USD/Unit) Production Value (million USD) Gross margin List    27
Table 2010-2015 US Suture Supply Import Export Consumption (Million Unit) List    28
Table 2010-2015 EU Suture Supply Import Export Consumption (Million Unit) List    28
Table 2010-2015 Japan Suture Supply Import Export Consumption (Million Unit) List    28
Table 2010-2015 China Suture Supply Import Export Consumption (Million Unit) List    29
Figure Suture Product    30
Table Suture Product Specifications    30
Figure PGA Suture Manufacturing Process    31
Figure 2014 China Suture Cost Structure    31
Table Global Suture Price Cost Gross    31
Table China Suture Price Cost Gross    32
Figure 2010-2015 Global Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    33
Figure 2010-2015 Global Suture Capacity (Million Unit) Utilization Rate    34
Table 2010-2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Capacity and Total Capacity (Million Unit) List    34
Table 2010-2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Capacity Market Share List    35
Table 2010-2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Production and Total Production (Million Unit) List    36
Table 2010-2015 Global Key Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share List    37
Figure 2010-2015 China Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    39
Figure 2010-2015 China Suture Capacity Utilization Rate    39
Table 2010-2015 China Key Manufacturers Suture Capacity and Total Capacity (Million Unit) List    40
Table 2010-2015 China Key Manufacturers Suture Capacity Market Share List    40
Table 2010-2015 China Key Manufacturers Suture Production and Total Production (Million Unit) List    41
Table 2010-2015 China Key Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share List    41
Figure 2010 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    43
Figure 2011 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    44
Figure 2012 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    45
Figure 2013 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    46
Figure 2014 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    47
Figure 2010 China Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    48
Figure 2011 China Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    49
Figure 2012 China Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    50
Figure 2013 China Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    51
Figure 2014 China Major Manufacturers Suture Production Market Share    52
Figure 2010-2015 Global Suture Demand (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    53
Figure 2010-2015 China Suture Demand (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    53
Table 2010-2015 Global Suture Supply Demand Shortage (Million Unit) List    54
Table 2010-2015 China Suture Supply Demand Shortage (Million Unit) List    54
Table 2010-2015 China Suture Production Import Export (Million Unit)  Consumption List    54
Table 2010-2015 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Price (USD/Unit) List    54
Table 2010-2015 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Gross Margin List    55
Table 2010-2015 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Value (Million USD) List    57
Table 2010-2015 Global Major Manufacturers Suture Production Value Share List    58
Figure 2014 Global and China Key Manufacturers Suture Price (USD/Unit)    60
Figure 2014 Global and China Key Manufacturers Suture Gross Margin List    61
Figure 2014 Global and China Key Manufacturers Suture Production Value and Market Share List    62
Table 2010-2015 Global Suture Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Profit (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    63
Table 2010-2015 China Suture Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Profit (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    63
Table Johnson & Johnson Medical Absorbable Suture    65
Table Johnson & Johnson Medical Non-Absorbable Suture    66
Table 2010-2015 Johnson & Johnson Medical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    67
Figure 2010-2015 Johnson & Johnson Medical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    68
Figure 2010-2015 Johnson & Johnson Medical Suture Production Market Share    68
Figure Covidien Absorbable Sutures Picture    70
Table 2010-2015 Covidien Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    71
Figure 2010-2015 Covidien Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    71
Figure 2010-2015 Covidien Suture Production Market Share    72
Figure Peters Surgical Absorbable ADVANTIME Suture Picture    73
Table Peters Surgical Absorbable ADVANTIME Suture Types    74
Table 2010-2015 Peters Surgical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    75
Figure 2010-2015 Peters Surgical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    75
Figure 2010-2015 Peters Surgical Suture Production Market Share    76
Figure B.Braun Surgical Absorbable Suture    78
Figure B.Braun Surgical Non-absorbable Suture    78
Table 2010-2015 B.Braun Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    79
Figure 2010-2015 B.Braun Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    79
Figure 2010-2015 B.Braun Suture Production Market Share    80
Table 2010-2015 Internacional Farmacéutica Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    82
Figure 2010-2015 Internacional Farmacéutica Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    83
Figure 2010-2015 Internacional Farmacéutica Suture Production Market Share    83
Figure DemeTech Product Picture    85
Table 2010-2015 DemeTech Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    85
Figure 2010-2015 DemeTech Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    86
Figure 2010-2015 DemeTech Suture Production Market Share    86
Figure Kono Seisakusho Product Picture    88
Table 2010-2015 Kono Seisakusho Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    89
Figure 2010-2015 Kono Seisakusho Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    89
Figure 2010-2015 Kono Seisakusho Suture Production Market Share    90
Figure Surgical Specialties Product Picture    91
Table 2010-2015 Surgical Specialties Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    92
Figure 2010-2015 Surgical Specialties Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    92
Figure 2010-2015 Surgical Specialties Suture Production Market Share    93
Figure Mani Product Picture    94
Table 2010-2015 Mani Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    94
Figure 2010-2015 Mani Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    95
Figure 2010-2015 Mani Suture Production Market Share    96
Table 2010-2015 Samyang Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    97
Figure 2010-2015 Samyang Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    98
Figure 2010-2015 Samyang Suture Production Market Share    98
Figure AD Surgical Product Picture    100
Table 2010-2015 AD Surgical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    101
Figure 2010-2015 AD Surgical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    101
Figure 2010-2015 AD Surgical Suture Production Market Share    102
Figure Dolphin Product Picture    103
Table 2010-2015 Dolphin Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    104
Figure 2010-2015 Dolphin Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    104
Figure 2010-2015 Dolphin Suture Production Market Share    105
Table 2010-2015 Usiol Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    106
Figure 2010-2015 Usiol Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    107
Figure 2010-2015 Usiol Suture Production Market Share    107
Figure Unik Product Picture    109
Table 2010-2015 Unik Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    109
Figure 2010-2015 Unik Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    110
Figure 2010-2015 Unik Suture Production Market Share    110
Figure Assut Medical Sarl Product Picture    112
Table 2010-2015 Assut Medical Sarl Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    112
Figure 2010-2015 Assut Medical Sarl Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    113
Figure 2010-2015 Assut Medical Sarl Suture Production Market Share    113
Figure Knot Security & Reduced Memory    115
Figure Pre-Pledgeted Suture    115
Table 2010-2015 Teleflex Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    116
Figure 2010-2015 Teleflex Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    116
Figure 2010-2015 Teleflex Suture Production Market Share    117
Figure Lotus Surgicals Product Picture    119
Table 2010-2015 Lotus Surgicals Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    119
Figure 2010-2015 Lotus Surgicals Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    120
Figure 2010-2015 Lotus Surgicals Suture Production Market Share    120
Table 2010-2015 Conmed Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    122
Figure 2010-2015 Conmed Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    123
Figure 2010-2015 Conmed Suture Production Market Share    124
Table 2010-2015 United Medical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    126
Figure 2010-2015 United Medical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    127
Figure 2010-2015 United Medical Suture Production Market Share    127
Table 2010-2015 Goremedical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    129
Figure 2010-2015 Goremedical Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    129
Figure 2010-2015 Goremedical Suture Production Market Share    130
Figure Sutures India Pvt Product Picture    131
Table 2010-2015 Sutures India Pvt Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    132
Figure 2010-2015 Sutures India Pvt Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    132
Figure 2010-2015 Sutures India Pvt Suture Production Market Share    133
Figure Huaiyin Micra Product Picture    134
Table 2010-2015 Huaiyin Micra Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    134
Figure 2010-2015 Huaiyin Micra Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    135
Figure 2010-2015 Huaiyin Micra Suture Production Market Share    135
Table 2010-2015 Weihai Wego Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    137
Figure 2010-2015 Weihai Wego Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    138
Figure 2010-2015 Weihai Wego Suture Production Market Share    138
Figure Shanghai Jinhuan Product Picture    140
Table 2010-2015 Shanghai Jinhuan Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    140
Figure 2010-2015 Shanghai Jinhuan Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    141
Figure 2010-2015 Shanghai Jinhuan Suture Production Market Share    141
Figure Nantong Huaerkang Medical Technology Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Picture    142
Table 2010-2015 Nantong Huaerkang Medical Technology Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    143
Figure 2010-2015 Nantong Huaerkang Medical Technology Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    143
Figure 2010-2015 Nantong Huaerkang Medical Technology Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Production Global Market Share    144
Figure JiangXi 3L Medicinal Products Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Picture    145
Table JiangXi 3L Medicinal Products Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Specification    146
Table 2010-2015 JiangXi 3L Medicinal Products Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    146
Figure 2010-2015 JiangXi 3L Medicinal Products Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    147
Figure 2010-2015 JiangXi 3L Medicinal Products Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Production Global Market Share    148
Figure Jiangxi Longteng Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Product Picture    149
Table 2010-2015 Jiangxi Longteng Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    149
Figure 2010-2015 Jiangxi Longteng Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    150
Figure 2010-2015 Jiangxi Longteng Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Production Global Market Share    150
Figure Shanghai Tianqing Suture Product Picture    151
Table 2010-2015 Shanghai Tianqing Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) and Gross Margin List    152
Figure 2010-2015 Shanghai Tianqing Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    152
Figure 2010-2015 Shanghai Tianqing Suture Product Production Global Market Share    153
Figure Huaian Angle Suture Product Picture    154
Table 2010-2015 Huaian Angle Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) and Gross Margin List    154
Figure 2010-2015 Huaian Angle Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    155
Figure 2010-2015 Huaian Angle Suture Product Production Global Market Share    155
Figure Holycon Suture Product Picture    156
Table 2010-2015 Holycon Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) and Gross Margin List    157
Figure 2010-2015 Holycon Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    157
Figure 2010-2015 Holycon Suture Product Production Global Market Share    158
Figure Hangzhou Huawei Medical Appliance Suture Product Picture    159
Table 2010-2015 Hangzhou Huawei Medical Appliance Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) and Gross Margin List    160
Figure 2010-2015 Hangzhou Huawei Medical Appliance Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    160
Figure 2010-2015 Hangzhou Huawei Medical Appliance Suture Product Production Global Market Share    161
Figure Tianjin Dongnan Hengsheng Suture Product Picture    162
Table 2010-2015 Tianjin Dongnan Hengsheng Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) and Gross Margin List    162
Figure 2010-2015 Tianjin Dongnan Hengsheng Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    163
Figure 2010-2015 Tianjin Dongnan Hengsheng Suture Product Production Global Market Share    163
Figure Shandong Bardon Suture Product Picture    164
Table 2010-2015 Shandong Bardon Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) and Gross Margin List    165
Figure 2010-2015 Shandong Bardon Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    165
Figure 2010-2015 Shandong Bardon Suture Product Production Global Market Share    166
Figure Shanghai Yiyong Suture Suture Product Picture    167
Table 2010-2015 Shanghai Yiyong Suture Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost Gross (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) and Gross Margin List    167
Figure 2010-2015 Shanghai Yiyong Suture Suture Product Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    168
Figure 2010-2015 Shanghai Yiyong Suture Suture Product Production Global Market Share    168
Figure Automatic suture winding machine Picture    170
Figure Suture Testers Picture    171
Table Suture Major Upstream Equipment    171
Figure Suture Consumption Proportion    172
Table 2010-2015 Global Major Regions Suture Consumption (Million Unit) List    172
Table 2010-2015 Global Major Regions Suture Consumption Share    172
Figure 2010 Global Major Regions Suture Consumption Share    173
Figure 2011 Global Major Regions Suture Consumption Share    173
Figure 2012 Global Major Regions Suture Consumption Share    174
Figure 2013 Global Major Regions Suture Consumption Share    174
Figure 2014 Global Major Regions Suture Consumption Share    175
Figure Suture Marketing Channels Status    176
Table Suture Global Key Distributors Analysis    178
Figure 2016-2021 Global Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    179
Figure 2016-2021 China Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    180
Figure 2016 Global Suture Production Market Share    181
Figure 2021 Global Suture Production Market Share    182
Figure 2016 China Suture Production Market Share    183
Figure 2021 China Suture Production Market Share    184
Figure 2016-2021 Global Suture Demand (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    185
Figure 2016-2021 China Suture Demand (Million Unit) and Growth Rate    185
Table 2016-2021 Global Suture Demand Supply Shortage or Excess (Million Unit) List    186
Table 2016-2021 China Suture Demand Supply Excess (Million Unit) List    186
Table 2016-2021 China Suture Import Export Consumption (Million Unit)    186
Table 2016-2021 Global Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    186
Table 2016-2021 China Suture Capacity Production (Million Unit) Price Cost (USD/Unit) Production Value (Million USD) Gross Margin List    187
Table PGA Major Manufacturer and Contact Information    188
Table Suture Major Suppliers and Contact Information    190
Table Key Consumers and Their Contact Information    190
Figure Suture Supply Chain Relationship Analysis    191
Table Suture Project SWOT Analysis    192
Table Annual Output of 5 Million Unit Production Line Return on Investment and Feasibility Analysis    192
Attached Table Suture Interviewee Contact Information    195
Attached Table Suture Author Contact Information    196

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